Month September 2020
New Phones Respond to Yelling and Screaming
There have been plenty of moments when it would be easy to take out some frustration on your cell phone. It could be for the untold number of dropped calls just when it got to the important part of the…
Snoring Keeps the Monsters Away
Sleeping is an enjoyable and medically necessary experience that everyone needs to recuperate after dealing with life’s daily stressors. Unfortunately, many people and their significant others have to suffer from the effects of a common and some life threatening problem,…
10 Shocking Facts About Dreams That Would Make Freddy Krueger Cringe
Dreams are occurrences that you do not have much control over with. Once you are in bed and dozing, it is very likely that your brain would produce images without being actually prompted. This seems to be automatic as soon…
Super Trains faster than Jets – This is real!
Google Gets Competition…Not From Bing, But From Sharks
Google has been attacked recently! By Who? No, it weren’t bots, terrorists, an unhappy employee or any of that. It were sharks that decided to attack Google. And they bit were it hurted: undersea internet cables. There are many things that…
How Did Rubber Gloves Become the Best Product Ever? Find Out!
Rubber gloves have been around for a long time creating a protective barrier between the skin of our hands and the outside environment. The majority of these gloves are made out of latex which has two main issues in today’s…
She Never Got It This Hard!, Well, Except For That One Time Before.
Mother Earth is Going to Bang Those Tectonic Plates Off The Wall!, At least in Chile. Chile holds the record when it comes to earthquakes. Frequent and furious earthquakes are very common in the southern American country. Its almost a…
Top 10 Freakiest Insects on Earth
#10 : Devil’s Flower Mantis The largest flower mimicking insect. The devils flower strikes a pose and remains motionless. Seducing its insect victims to come within its danger zone. Where it can quickly lash out and attack its prey. This…