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#10 : Devil’s Flower Mantis
The largest flower mimicking insect. The devils flower strikes a pose and remains motionless. Seducing its insect victims to come within its danger zone. Where it can quickly lash out and attack its prey. This monster can grow up to 5 inches in length. Luckily they pose no real threat to humans, besides causing nightmares.
#9 : Driver Ant’s
Driver ants go by many names, Safari ants, Siafu ant Dorylus are particularly large. Or as Indiana Jones described them, “big damn ants”. Mostly found in east and central Africa. These ants are known for traveling in huge angry packs. How huge? How about over 5 million giant marching ants. Know for there marching numbers and size. They have no problem ripping small animals into shreds in minutes
#8 : Assassin Bugs
Assassin Bugs are mother natures way to control the insect population. They specialize on different species at a time. For example, one type of Assassin Bug may only attack spiders, while another Species of Assassin may only target Ants. They develop a skill towards their prey. A Spider Assassin Bug may rattles a spiders web. Drawing the unsuspecting spider near. When the spider is within range the Assassin strikes. The assassins mouth is like an injection type needle. It pierces through its prey pumping its exoskeleton with venom. The venom liquefies the targets innards, It then sucks them out like a straw.
#7 : Camel Spider
Looking like that thing from the Alien movies. The Camel Spider is big, ugly and you can hear them coming. With their Size and weight you can here them scurry across the ground. They do not produce any venom, but none is needed. The extra large “Chelicerae”, or Pincers are strong enough to cause quite a bit of pain. People compare their sting to that of someone pinching you with a pair of pliers. They also run at speeds up to 10 mph so put that doughnut down and hit the treadmill.
#6 : Japanese Hornet
Tiger Hornets as they are also know thought out Asia look like wasps on steroids. Actually, more like genetically modified steroid wasps. Just like a regular wasp they can use their stingers repeatedly. But unlike the common wasps their venom extremely potent. Also due to their large size, the amount of venom delivered per sting is huge. They are said to cause an average of 40 deaths a year in Japan. They don’t necessarily use their venom to capture prey. Its large, sharp and powerful jaws are its main weapon. Using it to cut and kill its victim.
#5 : Giant Centipede
Known as natures most aggressive insect the Giant Centipede is one nasty bug. As if its 42 powerfully legs and huge sharp pincers weren’t enough. This thing is ready to deliver a paralyzing dose of toxin. Although a full size adult may not be threaten by death after it bites. Its bite poses a serious threat to children. Anaphylaxis is an extremely serious reaction to this toxin. It is a rapid allergic reaction that results in death unless promptly treated.
#4 : Wandering Spider
Venom and plenty of it. This spider was named the most venomous arachnid by the Guinness Book of World Records. It can grow to spans of over 5 inches. Its Not the deadly toxin as much as the amount of toxin it can deliver that’s a threat to human life. Its neurotoxin can cause a loss of muscle control and paralysis which may result in death. Although its native to the jungles of brazil, its not at all uncommon for this beast to cross borders by stowing into banana shipments.
#3 : Assassin Caterpillar
Found in South America, this brightly colored caterpillar may look like a cool pet. Its really cool if you’re into internal hemorrhaging. Even the slightest touch from this venom carrying Caterpillar can cause death. Its venom is an extremely powerful anticoagulant can even cause death from brain bleeding. Even though its only found in the most remote regions of the south American rain forests, it still manages to kill a few humans a year.
#2 : Bot Fly
It may not be huge, It may not look to intimidating and it not the least bit venomous, but be afraid. The Botfly is one mean, nasty repulsive son of a gun. Mostly found in South America these little bugs are the freakiest insects nature has to offer. Well over a dozen species of bot flies roam the earth, each species has a preferred animal target. Sheep bots attack sheep, horse bots attack horses and human bots attack humans.
A Bot Flies larvae can burrow its way through the skin where it sets up camp. It doesn’t matter what part of the body it lands on, its free game to the bot. Its known to even work its way through the human skull, have more larva and continue spreading.
#1 : Anopheles mosquito
This little guy can be way more than a nuisance. The Anopheles is know to kill more humans than any other insect. Not only can it carry and transmit Malaria but it also carries a parasite that causes Malaria. A fast and efficient transmitter for diseases. This bug can also transmit a disease that produces brain tumors!