20 Of The Sexiest Woman Alive

# 20  : Emma Stone Born: November 6, 1988 First Starred in “Super Bad” # 19 : Sofia Vergara Born: July 10, 1972 Started out as a co-host on Univision # 18 : Julianne Hough Born: July 20, 1988 Claim…

Crazy Odd Couples In Nature – How Is This Possible?

Lions And Tigers And Bears Iguana With Cat newswatch.nationalgeographic.com What makes animals cross species lines and actually form a bond with another animal? And why do these attractions cause so much intense curiosity? Perhaps it’s because when two species who…

Have You Taken The Underwear Test?

Your underwear tells you more about you than what you think. Big, medium, and small underwear poses health risks to you. Examining your underwear is quick and easy allowing you to instantly identify health risks in your pants. For example,…