Top 25 Futurist Blogs

The Top 25 Futurist Blogs

If you want to know what the future is going to be like anywhere fro 5 – 20 years from now, with uncanny details, then read on.  Here we profile 25 of the world’s top futurists and hand-pick a couple of their top, must-read articles.  These visionaries discuss how your life will change whether you like it or not and go into detail on the future of work, health, education, relationships, technology, sex and many other areas that are on the cusp of major change.

What you will discover below is not just to give you an edge at cocktail parties.  The following will lead you through some of the best thinking in the world on the coming changes of the future where you will obtain practical and actionable advice that you can use from a personal, business and even entrepreneurial perspective.

Richard Watson

Top Trends started off in 2006 as a blog about current and future trends. The trends were originally sifted into a number of sections largely based on industry sectors. Down to earth and succinct and to the point with some humour. Timelines as a visual representation are awesome.

Articles we liked:

  1. Trends & Technologies for the World in 2020
  2. Emerging Technology Timeline


BRITESMART | Improve memory, focus and energy with a blend of nutraceuticals

ZEN 12 | An hour of meditation benefits in just 12 minutes – meditation designed for today

NITROFOCUS | Use brainwave technology for more focus, motivation & results


So how can you prepare for the unpredictable? The answer will surprise you. The key is embracing paradox: learning to unlearn, thinking about the unthinkable, recognizing failure as a key component of success, and understanding that an awareness of one’s ignorance is a key component of true wisdom.

Articles we liked:

  1. 10 game changing technologies poised to transform the world by 2015
  2. Future Banking customers pocket change​


Jack Uldrich

Tim Longhurst

Tim Longhurst identifies trends and helps organisations adapt to a changing world. An experienced futurist, Tim and his team have collaborated with a range of organisations to help them explore possibilities and seize opportunities.

Articles we liked:

  1. Slaying the Mediogre
  2. Is facebook the new big mac the 100 billion dollar question


Tim Longhurst (English) (German)

Gerd is considered a leading voice on a wide range of topics including next-generation digital business models, the opportunities and challenges of a networked society, a sustainable business and cultural ecology, social media and communications, TV / film, radio and broadcasting futures, mobile content and commerce, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship, consumer trends, human-machine futures and AI, big data and automation, next-generation advertising, marketing and branding, and the development of ’green futures’ scenarios.

Articles we liked:

  1. New video digital transformation in travel tourism
  2. the future of music streaming to 2 billion users


Gerd Leonhard

Glen Hiemstra is the founder and owner of Glen is dedicated to disseminating information about the future to assist individuals, organizations, and industries in effective strategic planning. An internationally respected expert on future trends, long-range planning and creating the preferred future

Articles we liked:

  1. Clean tech energy cheaper by the month
  2. Reading edge of dark

Twitter | Facebook

Glen Hiemstra

Dr. Michio Kaku — theoretical physicist, bestselling author, acclaimed public speaker, renowned futurist, and popularizer of science. As co-founder of String Field Theory, Dr. Kaku carries on Einstein’s quest to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into a single grand unified theory of everything.

Articles we liked:

  1. Blackholes, wormholes and the tenth dimension
  2. m-theory the mother of all suspension


Dr Michio Kaku

Brian L Wang

Brian L. Wang, M.B.A. is a long time futurist. A lecturer at the Singularity University and author. He worked on the most recent ten year plan for the Institute for the Future and at a two day Institute for the Future workshop with Universities and City planners in Hong Kong (advising the city of Hong Kong on their future plans).

Articles we liked:

  1. Bioviva offering experimental gene
  2. Ipp fusions tungsten cathode already


Robin Hanson

0vercoming Bias began in November ’06 as a group blog on the general theme of how to move our beliefs closer to reality, in the face of our natural biases such as overconfidence and wishful thinking, and our bias to believe we have corrected for such biases, when we have done no such thing.

Articles we liked:

  1. Firms are 56 dark matter
  2. Disciplines as contrarian correlators

Sentient Developments

Canadian futurist, science writer, and ethicist, George Dvorsky has written and spoken extensively about the impacts of cutting-edge science and technology

Articles we liked:

  1. Tiny nanoneedles could help
  2. Tatooine planets may be more

George Dvorsky

Kevin Kelly

A few years ago KK co-founded the All Species Foundation, a non-profit organization aimed at cataloging and identifying every living species on earth. He hoped to give each organism its own web page. The genesis of this idea is described in his account. The Foundation is now defunct, but the project of giving each species their own web page lives on as theEncyclopedia of Life.

Articles we liked:

  1. New rules for the new economy
  2. Because the nature of the network economy seeds

Kevin Kelly

Open the future

Selected by Foreign Policy magazine as one of their Top 100 Global Thinkers, Jamais Cascio writes about the intersection of emerging technologies, environmental dilemmas, and cultural transformation, specializing in the design and creation of plausible scenarios of the future.

Articles we liked:

  1. Usuefully wrong
  2. not very uplifting


Jamais Cascio

Alexandrian Kosmos

A Universal Investigation into the New Millennium

Alexandrian Kosmos uses the Astrology of the Future, Metastrology, to forecast the Flow of the Universal Energies for the Lightworker. Metastrology will astound you with its accuracy and insight for our entry into the 5th Dimension and New Millennium!

Articles we liked:

  1. The super creators
  2. Applying spirit



BRITESMART | Improve memory, focus and energy with a blend of nutraceuticals

ZEN 12 | An hour of meditation benefits in just 12 minutes – meditation designed for today

NITROFOCUS | Use brainwave technology for more focus, motivation & results

Futurist Speaker blog is produced by Google’s top-rated futurist speaker, Thomas Frey. He speaks on a variety of unique and thought provoking topics. Tom is the Innovations Editor for The Futurist Magazine, a member of the National Speakers Association, and Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, a non-profit futurist think tank in Colorado.

Articles we liked:

  1. The massive opportunity coming for ground based delivery drones
  2. All those damn laws


Thomas Frey

Make Wealth History

Jeremy studied cultural studies, international relations and journalism, and now divides his time between freelance writing and programme development. He lives in Luton (UK) with his wife and son. He is a member of Transition Luton, a co-founder of the Post Growth Institute, and a friend of Breathe, a network for simpler living.

Articles we liked:

  1. A post growth economy
  2. Punk Money & Monetary diversity


Jeremy Williams

Richard Jones

Soft Machines

Richard Jones is the author of Soft Machines: nanotechnology and life, a book about nanotechnology. For more details about the book, see here. He is a Professor of Physics and the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the University of Sheffield, and a Council Member ofEPSRC. The views expressed on this blog are written entirely in a personal capacity.

Articles we liked:

  1. Does radical innovation get best done by big or small firms?

  2. Science, Politics & the Haldane Principle

Anders Sandberg

Andart II

A mixture of essays on my research and transhumanist topics, links to my other online activities, recreational mathematics and other random content. Andart II is the successor to old Andart. Given that the first Andart was Andart 5, there is room for many confusing versions.

Articles we liked:

  1. Energy requirements of the singulairty 
  2. Canine mechanics and banking

Future Memes

ENTP, philosopher, science and technology futurist, instantiated in nucleotide chassis at present

Articles we liked:

  1. Open-source sexually compersion
  2. next disruptive computing paradigm


Melanie Swan

Bruce Harrison

Family Forrest

Family Forest® was started in 1995 by Bruce and Kristine Harrison as a project to digitally connect history with the people who created it. The Harrisons began compiling an immense interlinked digital database of genealogical and historical information. Millisecond Publishing Company was then incorporated in December 1996.

Articles we liked:

  1. New portal into genealogical entertainment
  2. ancestral gold

Laura Grace Weldon

Free Range Learning, Creative Living, Gentle Encouragement, Big Questions, Poetry, Occasional Drollery

Articles we liked:

  1. Learning its not about education
  2. Making memories through music

Laura Weldon

Thoughts and news on transhumanism, vegetarianism, science fiction, science, philosophy, math, programming, language, consciousness and the nature of reality. –

Articles we liked:

  1. New rationalism an introduction
  2. Highly intelligent and successful people who hold weird beleifs


Alexander Kruel

Garry Golden is an academically trained Futurist (MS Futures Studies) who speaks and consults on issues shaping society and business in the 21st century.

Articles we liked:

  1. Future oyod  on your own data
  2. Working with intelligent assistants


Garry Golden

Andrew Curry

The Next Wave is the personal blog of Andrew Curry. He uses it from time to time to write about drivers of change, trends, emerging issues, and other futures and scenarios topics.

Articles we liked:

  1. Postcards as a workshop tool
  2. Longer term futures


Dr. William E. Halal

William E. Halal is Professor Emeritus of Management, Technology, and Innovation at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. William is an authority on emerging technology, strategic planning, knowledge, and institutional change.

Articles we liked:

  1. Collaboration Could Change the Economy​
  2. The Coming Conflict Between Science and Spirit

Connect With William

Professor Inayatullah’s work is based on six pillars:

  1. Mapping the Present and the Future through methods and tools such as the futures triangle and the futures landscape
  2. Anticipating the Future through methods such as emerging issues analysis and the futures wheel
  3. Timing the Future, understanding the grand patterns of change, macrohistory and macrofutures.
  4. Deepening the Future through methods such as causal layered analysis and four quadrant mapping
  5. Creating Alternatives to the Present through methods such as scenarios and nuts and bolts
  6. Transforming the Present and Creating the Future through visioning, backcasting, action learning and the transcend conflict resolution method.

Articles we liked:

  1. Will Our Children Have Jobs in the Future?​
  2. Rethinking Tourism

Connect With Sohail

Professor Sohail Inayatullah

Anne Boysen

Last (but certainly not least!) is Anne Boysen who writes over at After The Millennials.  After the Millennials is the first and only consultant service and blog designated specifically to this generation. Or more precisely, it’s about the future they will shape and be shaped by in the coming years and decades.

Articles we liked:

  1. Preparing Post Millenials for the Second Machine Age​
  2. Scenarios with Children – How A Class of 1st Graders Sees Life in 2026
