How To Sleep While Taking Cymbalta? What Are The Side Effects Of Using Cymbalta?

Cymbalta falls under the category of antidepressants that deal with some major depressive disorder. It is also sold under the name of Duloxetine. Follow this article to learn more about how to sleep while taking cymbalta and what are the side effects of using cymbalta.

Cymbalta, which is also sold under the name of Duloxetine, is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine antidepressant. It affects the chemicals that are not balanced in the brain. This chemical imbalance will affect the brain’s activity and it can cause the brain to have abnormal functions. Which will result in a person to be diagnosed with mental illnesses like anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depressive disorders.

Cymbalta is a drug that is normally used to treat major depressive disorders in elders but it can also be used to treat general anxiety in elders and children after the age of seven. According to a survey research, cymbalta also generates mood swings, physical changes, and it can also make a person more restless. Cymbalta can also cause a disruption in a person’s routine making it difficult for them to perform some tasks like sleeping, concentrating on work, and behavior changes. People who consume cymbalta have reported to not get a good night’s sleep at all.

Follow this article to explore more about how to sleep while taking cymbalta and what are the side effects of using cymbalta.

For what disorders is cymbalta used for?

Cymbalta is used for many different illnesses but the main illnesses are related to major depressive disorders. It helps a person get relief from the pain and the burning sensation they are feeling inside their bodies. Apart from that, following are the disorders cymbalta is used for.

  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis


According to healthcare professionals, cymbalta is used for treating depression. It can increase serotonin and norepinephrine inside the nervous system, which can increase the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine inside the brain as well. Cymbalta can cause changes in a person’s mood, appetite, and energy levels who are battling with depression.


Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic illness that affects a person’s muscles and tender points. A person who is suffering from fibromyalgia will experience muscle pain, low quality sleep, and pain in their tender points like your neck, your arms, and your back. Cymbalta is highly recommended by healthcare professionals to patients of fibromyalgia. According to research, cymbalta is extremely effective and gives relief from pain within one week.

Generalized anxiety disorder:

Anxiety disorders can be severe for a person. It can make a person restless and more stressful than they should be. They will be fatigued and there they experience tension in their neck and shoulders. To avoid this, many healthcare professionals prescribe cymbalta to their patients. It is one of the most highly effective medicines for generalized anxiety disorder  and it can help a person get their anxiety under control.

Neuropathic pain:

A person who is suffering from peripheral neuropathy or neuropathic pain, will experience pain in their nerves from all the nerve damage. Consuming cymbalta will not completely heal the nerves but it will give relief from the pain. According to healthcare professionals, cymbalta soothes the burning sensation that comes with the pain.

Chronic pain:

Most of the time, chronic pain is related to the nerves. These chronic pains might also cause high blood pressure and seizures. Any person who suffers from chronic pain will consume cymbalta to get relief from all the pain. The patient must consume it on a daily basis and it will be a good idea if they avoid any physical activity like driving for at least two days.


A person who is suffering from pain in their knees because of arthritis might consume cymbalta as a secondary drug. It is prescribed when the recommended medications are not working. Cymbalta will give relief from the pain and deal with the nervous system issues. It has a complex way of dealing with the issues in the nervous system, cymbalta makes sure that the patient nerve tissues are not damaged at all.

What are the side effects of using cymbalta?

Just like every other medication, cymbalta also has some side effects that can cause a person to reconsider consuming cymbalta. Following are the side effects a person might experience when they are using cymbalta.

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision
  • Constipation
  • Dehydration
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling hot
  • Weight loss


It is advised again and again to not drink alcohol when you are consuming cymbalta or any other antidepressant. You can take a normal pain killer for your headache if you feel like it is getting too much. If your headaches are becoming a part of your daily routine and they are getting unbearable then, you must consult your doctor and share your problems with him/her.


There is a possibility that you might feel dizzy when you are trying to stand up or sit down while consuming cymbalta. It will be best for you to sit down or stand up slowly when you feel dizzy. This is one of the reasons why healthcare professionals advise their patients to not indulge in any physical activities like driving or working out. It is advised to patients to start taking their medications when they know they will not have to go anywhere for at least two days like a friday night.

Blurry vision:

It is supreme for you to not use any heavy machinery like driving a car and avoid using tools that are heavily operated like a drill machine or chain saw. Consuming cymbalta will give a person headaches and dizziness which can also cause a person to have blurred visions. After consuming the first pill, it is best to rest for at least two days to avoid any sort of mishap.


If you are consuming cymbalta for the first time then, it will take time for your body to get used to it and this can make you feel constipated. When this happens, you must start consuming a diet that is rich in fiber, do not consume too much fat, drink more water than you used to, and do a little bit of exercise daily.


Consuming cymbalta can also cause dehydration. It means that a person will have a dry mouth and diarrhea. To avoid that, you must drink as much water as you can and eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in water like watermelon, oranges, and green vegetables.


With all the dehydration and the constipation, there is a possibility that you might feel sick and nauseated sometimes. It is supreme for you to take cymbalta with a simple meal, nothing too spicy. Have a balanced diet rich in fiber and protein. Never consume cymbalta without having a proper meal, otherwise you will feel nauseated and might start vomiting. It is best for you to have a conversation with your doctor about your diet before you start consuming cymbalta.

Feeling hot:

Consuming cymbalta can cause hormonal changes as well which might raise your body temperature. You will start experiencing night sweats and it will not be possible for you to have a good night’s sleep. To avoid that, you must wear light and breathable clothing, set your room temperature accordingly, and drink as much water as you can.

Weight loss:

Consuming cymbalta and dealing with all of the other side effects might make a person lose their appetite. When a person starts to take cymbalta then, there will be a noticeable change in their appetite and in their weight. They will experience weight loss, but there is a possibility that with time everything will come back to normal. If that does not happen then, you must consult your doctor.

How to sleep while taking cymbalta?

Every medication has some side effects, mostly people who consume cymbalta experience difficulty in sleeping. It was reported in most cases that a person who takes cymbalta on a regular basis will not have a good quality sleep. But that does not mean people cannot sleep at all when they are consuming cymbalta. Following are some tips on how to sleep while taking cymbalta.

  • Consume medication on the same time
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Make a bedtime routine
  • Comfortable sleep environment
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Talk to a professional

Consume medication on the same time:

It is supreme that you make a routine for yourself and you consume cymbalta at the same time everyday. Your body will be adjusted to that routine and it will help your brain get more relaxed. Once you have a set routine for your medication then, it will not be difficult for you to have a good night’s sleep.

Avoid alcohol:

Consuming alcohol or any other caffeinated drink while you are taking cymbalta will only make matters worse for you. It is best that you do not consume any alcohol or coffee otherwise, it will slow down the process of cymbalta and the caffeine in your system will keep you up all night.

Make a bedtime routine:

To achieve a good night’s sleep, you can try making a bedtime routine like reading, doing skincare, watching something, getting your clothes out for tomorrow. Doing these things regularly will help you look forward to sleeping. You will try to finish your work faster so you can go to bed. It is like there will be an automatic system for you. This will also help you get a good quality sleep.

Comfortable sleep environment:

Make sure that your environment is comfortable. From your bedding to your clothes, everything is nice and comfortable. Consuming cymbalta can raise your body temperature, so it will be wise for you to wear breathable clothing and set your room temperature accordingly. Make sure your bedding is also light and your pillows are comfortable. This will help you get a good night’s sleep.

Relaxation techniques:

You can also perform some relaxation techniques before going to bed like breathing exercise, light physical exercise, shoulder and neck exercise to relieve tension from your neck and shoulders. You can also try visualization techniques like thinking of a peaceful environment. This will help your mind relax and you will be able to have a good night’s sleep.

Talk to a professional:

It is best that you talk to a professional and share your problems with them. Tell about your sleeping pattern and how you are dealing with the side effects of consuming cymbalta. Talking to a professional will also help your mind relax and it will give you some clarity about what you should and what you should avoid when taking cymbalta.

Who cannot consume cymbalta?

Cymbalta is not a right choice for everyone and not everyone can easily consume cymbalta without having some serious side effects. Following are some people who cannot consume cymbalta whatsoever.

  • Heart patient
  • Person suffering from bipolar disorder
  • Someone who has consumed other medicines for depression
  • Glaucoma patient
  • Pregnant women

Heart patient:

People who consume cymbalta are often suffering from blood pressure problems and dizziness. This can increase the chances of heart attack in a person. A person who is already a heart patient cannot consume cymbalta because it will increase their blood pressure which can be fatal for them.

Person suffering from bipolar disorder:

We all know that a person who is suffering from bipolar disorder will go through mood swings and often they have suicidal tendencies. It is not right for a person who is battling with bipolar disorder to consume cymbalta because it will make them feel more agitated and it can also increase the risk of suicide, especially in teenagers.

Someone who has consumed other medicines for depression:

According to healthcare professionals, it is not okay for a person to consume cymbalta when they have been taking other medications for depression for the last fourteen days. Taking cymbalta will only mess with their brain chemicals more and it is also exposing a person to various mental health disorders like bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Glaucoma patient:

A person who is suffering from glaucoma will lose their vision overtime because of a nerve damage in the back of their eye. According to healthcare professionals, it is not okay for people who are suffering from glaucoma to take cymbalta because it can put pressure on the consumer’s eyes and can also cause them to have blurred visions, which can lead to complete blindness.

Pregnant women:

Cymbalta is never prescribed to someone who is pregnant because it can cause complications. At the time of birth, the mother can have excessive bleeding which can cause her to die or it can increase a person’s blood pressure which can lead to an unfortunate miscarriage. To avoid that, healthcare professionals do not prescribe cymbalta to women who are pregnant and to women who are trying to get pregnant.


Although cymbalta is a pretty good medicine that can help people who are suffering from depression, generalized anxiety disorder, arthritis, and chronic pain. Cymbalta will help you a person who is battling with these illnesses to get their nerves under control. It can also help a person who is suffering from chronic pain and neuropathic pain, it will ease the pain a person feels in their nerves and give relief to the burning sensation inside a person’s body.

Just like every other medication, cymbalta also comes with some side effects. One of the major side effects is not being able to have a good night’s sleep. While taking cymbalta, your hormones will change and your body temperature will also rise, this will lead you to have night sweats. When something of this sort happens then, it is best that you wear some light clothing and you make your room a comfortable space for yourself. It is also supreme that you maintain a routine for your medication so your body does not have to go through changes again and again and you will be able to have a good night’s sleep.