How Many Calories Do You Burn In Your Sleep? A Guide To Losing Weight While You Snooze

Weight loss can be a tough battle where the chance of winning is directly related to the effort we put in. But did you know you can also burn calories in your sleep? Read on to learn all about “how many calories do you burn in your sleep?” and use it as an excuse to spend some extra hours in bed.

Finding out how many calories we burn while sleeping surprises many people. Even while most everyday activities use much more energy than sleeping, our brain and certain other biological functions still function during sleep.

Sleep, food, exercise, and other factors interact sophisticatedly to determine the precise number of calories expended while you sleep. Understanding the factors that affect metabolism may help you recover control of your health if you struggle to manage your weight or energy levels.

Ever wondered how many calories do you burn in your sleep? While you might assume the answer is “not many,” you might be surprised to discover that your body still uses energy at rest. The number of calories you burn depends on several variables, including your weight, metabolism, and the amount of sleep you get each night. So read on to unlock the answer to how many calories do you burn in your sleep and actually How does metabolic activity take place during sleep?

The science of sleeping

To get the science behind sleeping and burning calories, let’s go through the science of sleeping first. Prior to the 1950s, the majority of people held the view that sleep was a passive state of rest in which the body and brain were quiescent. However, while we sleep, the brain does several vital functions that are directly related to our quality of life.

Researchers stay awake and spend time trying to learn more about the process of sleeping and how they impact both physical and mental health. Here is a glance into the significant (and frequently unexpected) findings made by sleep scientists and what they are still striving to learn about the science of sleep. First of all, your brain will alternate between REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep during the duration of your sleep.

Non-REM sleep, which consists of four stages, is the first phase of the cycle. The first phase occurs between the awake and sleeping states. The second is light sleep, during which respiration and heart rate are in control and body temperature decreases. Deep sleep occurs in the third and fourth stages.

Newer research indicates that non-REM sleep may be more crucial for learning and memory than REM sleep, which was traditionally thought to be the most significant sleep stage for these functions. Non-REM sleep may also be more relaxing and restorative than REM sleep.

The eyelids move quickly beneath closed lids as you cycle into REM sleep, and your brain waves resemble those of alertness. As we dream, our breathing quickens, and we experience momentary paralysis.

The cycle then continues, but each time you spend less time in the deeper phases three and four of sleep and more time in REM sleep. You’ll repeat this process four or five times on an average night.

Sleep controls integrated into your body

Circadian rhythms and sleep drive are the two fundamental mechanisms that control sleep. The biological clock that regulates circadian rhythms is housed in the brain. A critical function of this clock is responding to light cues by increasing melatonin production at night and turning it off when it detects light. Total blindness makes it difficult for some people to fall asleep because they cannot recognize and react to these light cues.

The need for sleep, similar to the appetite for food, is a major contributor to sleep drive. Your need for sleep increases during the day, and at a certain point, it becomes overwhelming. The major distinction between hunger and sleep: Your body can’t make you eat when you’re hungry, but it can make you fall asleep no matter where you are—in a conference or while operating a motor vehicle.

When you’re worn out, your body is capable of brief microsleep episodes that last one or two seconds while you’re still awake. By reducing your body’s drive to sleep, taking a nap longer than 30 minutes later in the day can disrupt your night’s sleep.

As we can see, sleeping is a full-fledged activity. We might think our body is doing nothing. At the same time, we sleep, but actually, it’s carrying out different important activities that regulate the body to make it function better for our day ahead. Since the body is carrying out certain activities and we need to carry out activities to burn calories, this can somewhat also be linked to burning calories while we sleep.

Why is sleep important?

The fact that sleep has a substantial impact on brain function won’t come as a surprise to you if you’ve ever felt hazy after a restless night. First, adequate sleep is essential for “brain plasticity,” or the brain’s capacity to change in response to a stimulus.

Too little sleep makes it difficult for us to digest what we’ve learned during the day and makes it more difficult for us to recall it afterward. Additionally, sleep may facilitate the elimination of waste materials from brain cells, which happens less effectively when the brain is awake.

The remainder of the body also needs sleep. The threats to a person’s health increase when they don’t get enough sleep. Seizures, migraines, high blood pressure, and depressive symptoms worsen. Immunity is weakened, which raises the risk of disease and infection.

How much deep sleep should a person get? You should consider this question if you are willing to lose weight as the metabolism is also influenced by sleep; a person who is otherwise healthy can develop prediabetes after just one night of interrupted sleep. There are numerous significant links between sleep and health.

The metabolism is linked to a healthy digestive system which is also responsible for burning calories that aid in losing weight. Hence this gives us another reason to relate to how sleep helps in burning calories. Continue reading this article if you want to know the entire science behind burning calories and its connection to sleeping. And most importantly, learn how many calories do you burn in your sleep to inspire yourself to get into bed early and sleep in a little more.

The science behind burning calories

When people discuss metabolism, they typically mean metabolic rate, which is the pace at which the body burns calories or expends energy. Total energy expenditure, or TEE, is used to describe your metabolic rate throughout a 24-hour period and is expressed in calories.

Your body burns calories by engaging in physical activity, such as walking or climbing stairs. But by carrying out the most fundamental physiological processes like sleeping, it also burns them. For instance, the body needs energy constantly to breathe, regulate body temperature, and pump blood. In fact, this form of passive calorie burn, also known as resting metabolic rate, makes up between 60 to 75 percent of your total energy expenditure (RMR).

Losing weight or being a certain body shape varies for every person. Many variables affect a person’s resting metabolic rate, determining whether they naturally burn more or fewer calories during the day. These comprise:

  • Genetics. Despite the fact that there are things you may do to change your RMR, some people may have a natural predisposition to a quicker or slower metabolism.
  • A lean body mass. Because muscle tissue takes more oxygen than fat tissue, it requires more energy from your body to keep it healthy. Your RMR will therefore be higher if you have more lean muscle mass (and hence less body fat).
  • Size and the total weight of the body. Larger bodies expend more calories while at rest than smaller ones do. Your RMR will therefore fall as you lose weight.
  • RMR. Your RMR slows down as you age, and your body burns fewer calories at rest. In addition to decreasing muscle mass and decreased physical activity for most people, this is caused by varying hormone levels.
  • Calories consumed. Your RMR can be decreased by consuming much fewer calories than your body requires, like in the case of an extreme diet, which causes your body to go into survival mode, where calories are stored rather than burned.
  • Meals per day. Your body uses five to ten percent of your calories to power digestion. Thus, you will burn more calories while digesting food if you eat more frequently. (You’ll consume more calories overall if eating more frequently also results in having more food throughout the day.)
  • External influences. Extreme hot or cold conditions, specific drugs, herbs, and supplements, smoking, stress, the state of your immune system, and how much sleep you get are just a few examples of lifestyle and environmental factors that might impact RMR.
  • Fitness: Because muscle burns more calories than fat, people who are fit and routinely active burn more calories even when not moving.
  • Gender: In general, men’s BMR is higher.
  • Age: Children who are growing have a more significant metabolism, but as we age, our requirement for metabolism declines.
  • Sleep Quality: Our metabolism is negatively impacted by a lack of sleep and poor sleep quality.
  • Race: According to certain studies, African Americans may naturally have a lower BMR.
  • Hormones and medical conditions: The basal metabolic rate can increase or decrease during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and other disorders. If you think an underlying issue may impact your metabolism, speak with your doctor.

The relationship between sleep and weight

The amount of time Americans spend sleeping has fallen over the past few decades, and so has their self-reported sleep quality. For a large portion of the same time period, Americans’ average body mass indices (BMI) rose, showing a general trend toward larger body weights and elevated rates of obesity.

Many studies started speculating about possible links between weight and sleep in reaction to these changes. Insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality have been linked in numerous studies to metabolic abnormalities, weight gain, an increased risk of obesity, and other chronic health concerns.

Although there is ongoing discussion over the precise nature of this association among medical professionals, the available evidence indicates a link between sound sleep and healthy body weight. The exact nuances of the relationship between weight and sleep still need to be discovered. Intending to try to better our knowledge of the connection between weight and sleep and reducing obesity, several theories propose directions for further investigation.

Relationship between sleep and burning calories

Your body never stops being active (unless you’re dead). Your body is active even when you’re lounging on the couch or looking through social media. But your body requires energy to fuel all the inside operations that are taking place. Your metabolism provides that energy.

Your metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that transform the food and liquids you consume into the energy your body can use. Your metabolism generates the energy necessary for breathing, blood flow, hormone and blood sugar balance, cell development, and cell repair.

What is the sleeping metabolic rate?

How quickly your body can burn through energy is determined by your metabolic rate (or calories). Your body’s bare minimum of calories to function while resting is your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This sum changes from one person to the next. Your BMR supplies 60% to 70% of the energy required by your body. There are four main ways the body uses energy while you sleep

  • Energy used at rest
  • Energy used to break down food
  • Energy used for activity
  • Sleeping metabolic rate

Energy used at rest

Your body needs the energy to do basic tasks like controlling your body temperature, maintaining hormone levels, or distributing blood throughout your body, even while lounging on the couch doing nothing. Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum number of calories your body requires at rest for these fundamental processes (BMR).

The majority (60–80%) of your daily energy expenditure is accounted for by your BMR (TDEE). Simply put, your TDEE is how many calories you burn each day while accounting for your level of exercise. A healthy woman’s BMR is approximately 5,900 kJ per day (or 1,400 calories), while a healthy man’s BMR is nearly 7,100 kJ per day (roughly 1,700 calories). BMR and RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) are frequently used interchangeably.

Energy used to break down food

Your body needs the energy to digest food, and when it does so, it burns calories. The thermic effect of food refers to how your body converts food into energy. About 10% of the energy is required for this.

Energy used for activity

This is the component that can vary the greatest. There are two types of activity energy expenditure (AEE): exercise and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). Your AEE accounts for roughly 10-30% of your daily energy expenditure. Everything you do that isn’t directly related to exercise is classified as NEAT. Cooking or even walking the stairs at work instead of the elevator are examples of NEAT.

Sleeping metabolic rate

The amount of calories you burn when sleeping is determined by your SMR, which is the amount of energy you utilize while sleeping. Sleeping metabolic rate (SMR), like BMR, accounts for around 60% of total EE (energy expenditure). Although both are tested in the supine position, SMR is measured during sleep, while BMR is measured when the person is awake in the postabsorptive state. As a result, they involve slightly distinct thermogenic mechanisms.

How does metabolic activity take place during sleep?

As discussed earlier, there are two types of sleep where the body works through different processes to ensure you are well relaxed and recharged for the coming activities you are to endure when you wake up.

  • Deep Sleep or NREM (non-rapid eye movement)
  • REM Sleep (rapid eye movement)

During the various stages of sleep, your body goes through many metabolic processes. When you first fall asleep, you enter Stage I and Stage II, which are light stages of Deep Sleep. You will enter Stage III, and Stage IV of Deep Sleep about 20 minutes into your sleep.

Seventy minutes into your sleep, you will most likely enter REM sleep. Each sleep cycle (including deep and REM) lasts about 90 minutes on average. You should expect to go through four to six sleep cycles per night. According to research on metabolic processes during sleep, glucose metabolism begins to accelerate in the second half of the night when you enter REM sleep.

What transpires in the body when you burn calories while you sleep?

Here’s what transpires in the body while you sleep: Your body starts to transition through the various stages of sleep, which causes your energy expenditure and glucose oxidation to slow down. Additionally, once your body enters Stage III of deep sleep, your heart and brain activity decreases to their lowest levels, which causes your metabolism to slow down.

The body also releases human growth hormone at this period (HGH). The pituitary gland produces the hormone human growth hormone. It is crucial for controlling the human body’s bone, tissue, muscle, and fat. Additionally, it affects other aspects of metabolism, including insulin action and blood sugar levels, as well as body composition, cell growth, and repair. Once you reach middle age, your growth hormone levels progressively decline.

Your metabolism increases in the night’s second half as your body enters REM Sleep. Your heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity rise to levels comparable to someone fully awake during REM sleep. You can think of someone who is experiencing REM sleep as having a metabolically awake brain in a paralyzed body,

A more significant metabolism is produced as a result of the increased levels of brain activity that take place during REM sleep, which require more glucose. In other words, since REM sleep is when your body uses the most glucose, REM sleep is when you burn the most calories.

Your ability to burn calories can be affected by disturbances to REM sleep. However, establishing appropriate sleep hygiene practices, such as reducing blue light exposure before bed, can assist you in falling asleep quickly and sleeping well throughout the night.

You might believe that you can simply lose weight by sleeping. Unfortunately, your metabolism might be negatively impacted by getting too much sleep. As resting in bed all day doesn’t require as much energy as being up and active, it can cause your metabolism to slow down.

Does Sleep Boost Metabolic Rate?

The process by which the body transforms the food and liquids we consume into the energy we need to survive is known as metabolism. The metabolism includes all our group activities, including breathing, working out, and everything. Sleep cannot temporarily enhance metabolism, but activities like exercise can. During sleep, metabolism decreases by 15%, reaching its lowest point in the morning.

Numerous research has actually revealed that metabolic dysregulation is frequently brought on by sleep deprivation, which can be brought on by self-induction, insomnia, untreated sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders.

Increased oxidative stress, glucose intolerance (a condition that can lead to diabetes), and insulin resistance are all linked to poor sleep. More time spent awake could lead to more eating possibilities, and getting less sleep could mess with your circadian cycles and make you gain weight.

Can you burn calories while you’re asleep?

Now the big question: can you burn calories while you’re asleep? To give a quick response to your query and in lieu of our above explanation regarding sleep and metabolic activity, yes – your body does burn calories when you sleep. While sleeping, you expend roughly 50 calories every hour.

The precise number of calories you burn when you sleep, however, is determined by your BMR, which takes into consideration a number of metabolic parameters, including food, exercise, stress management, and the quantity and quality of your sleep.

You would need to use a calorimeter, a device that calculates how much energy you eat by monitoring the quantities of oxygen and carbon monoxide entering and leaving your body, to obtain your precise BMR.

Although using a calorimeter to determine your BMR is more accurate, doing so can be costly and frequently necessitates spending the night in a lab. For the typical person, this is not practical. Fortunately, the Harris-Benedict equation may be used to determine your BMR in a more realistic way.

How many calories do you burn in your sleep?

It is roughly estimated that we burn about 50 calories every hour while we sleep. However, depending on each individual’s basal metabolic rate, each person burns a different number of calories when they sleep (BMR).

The energy required for fundamental processes, including breathing, circulation, controlling body temperature, and cellular growth and repair, is referred to as the basal metabolic rate. Approximately 80% of the total calories burnt daily in most people come from their basal metabolic rate. As discussed in the sleeping metabolic rate (SMR), about 20% of the calories we ingest when at rest are burned by the brain, which uses glucose as fuel.

The body heals and regenerates as we sleep. Our metabolism slows, our breathing decreases, and our body temperature reduces to accomplish this more efficiently. Compared to their basal metabolic rate during the day, most people typically burn 15% fewer calories while they are sleeping.

Determining how many calories you burn while you sleep

You need to use a calorimeter to determine your accurate basal metabolic rate. By examining the oxygen and carbon dioxide inhaled and exhaled by your body, a calorimeter calculates the energy you are using.

Typically, those who wish to obtain the most precise measurement of their basal metabolic rate will spend the night in a laboratory, refrain from physical activity for 24 hours, fast for 12 hours, and sleep for at least 8 hours before the measurement. These specifics are crucial since digesting and exercising are energy-demanding activities that raise metabolism. The measurements are then completed in a cool, dark environment in the early morning.

It’s not feasible for the average person to take one of these tests because they are pricey and complicated. But using one of several formulae, you can get a fair approximation of your basal metabolic rate. The Harris-Benedict equation, depending on weight, height, age, and gender, is one of the most widely used:

  • Male: BMR = 66.5 + (13.8 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x age in years)
  • Female: BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years)

You are then given your basal metabolic rate for 24 hours while awake. Divide the result by 24 to obtain the hourly rate, then multiply it by 0.85 to reflect the reduced metabolic rate experienced when sleeping to determine the approximate number of calories you burn every hour of sleep.

The Harris-Benedict equation does not consider heredity, race, hormones, muscle-to-fat ratio, or medical issues, despite the fact that it distinguishes between men and women. You can compute your Harris-Benedict equation (BMI) to get a general notion of your muscle-to-fat ratio:

  • BMI = weight (lbs) / [height (in)]2 x 703

A BMI less than 18.5 is considered underweight, whereas a BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight. BMI greater than 22.9 is considered overweight for Asian or Asian American ethnicity. Overweight people, on average, have a higher proportion of fat, which burns fewer calories than muscle. Please keep in mind that this BMI formula may not be correct for pregnant women, bodybuilders, or anyone with unusual body composition.

Should we skip sleeping to burn more calories?

Want to maximize your calorie burning during the night? A recent study found that skipping an entire night of sleep can result in burning an additional 135 calories, with some participants burning up to 160 extra calories. However, before you consider losing sleep as a weight-loss strategy, remember that sleep deprivation is not a healthy method for reducing weight.

It’s not surprising that missing a night of sleep leads to increased calorie burning. Still, extensive research shows that chronic sleep deprivation is linked to long-term obesity. Persistent lack of sleep can lead to significant weight gain, increasing your risk of obesity, which is likely the opposite of your goal if you’re reading this article. Sleep deprivation raises levels of certain hormones, such as cortisol, which causes your body to store extra fat. It also increases hunger and can slow down your metabolism.

To burn more calories while sleeping, it’s crucial to boost your metabolism. This also helps you burn more calories during waking hours. Increasing your basal metabolic rate can be achieved through healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

As previously mentioned, lack of sleep leads to hormonal surges that drive cravings for high-calorie foods. Sleep deprivation also increases cortisol levels, impairing your body’s ability to manage glucose and potentially leading to weight gain, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Although staying awake longer may burn more calories, doing so while sleep-deprived causes the body to burn lean muscle instead of fat.

Since the brain burns more calories during REM sleep, disruptions that reduce your time in this stage can affect how many calories you burn. You can help your body naturally cycle through the various stages of sleep and improve your metabolism by establishing good sleep hygiene practices and creating a cool, dark, quiet bedroom environment.

The connection between healthy sleep and metabolism is evident in people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition causing fragmented sleep due to recurrent breathing pauses. Obesity and OSA often coexist, suggesting that each condition may exacerbate the other.

Sleep and Obesity

Although the exact cause of this association is still up for question, there is a clear connection between inadequate sleep and an elevated risk of obesity in children and adolescents. Children who don’t get enough sleep may miss breakfast in the morning, experience metabolic abnormalities like those previously addressed, and consume more sugary, salty, fatty, and starchy foods.

The research is less detailed for adults. Even while a thorough review of prior research indicates that obtaining less than 6 hours of sleep each night increases the likelihood of being labeled as obese, it can be challenging to establish a causal relationship in these studies. Obesity itself can raise the chance of getting sleep-related illnesses like depression and sleep apnea.

It’s unclear if receiving less sleep in these studies leads to obesity, whether it causes people to get less sleep as a result of their obesity, or whether it’s a combination of the two. Although additional research is required to understand this relationship fully, physicians advise enhancing sleep quality for managing adult obesity.

Factors that influence how many calories you burn when sleeping

As discussed, not sleeping is actually not a very good idea if you are desperately looking to lose a good amount of weight; instead, it’s the opposite of good in the long run. If you want to increase your chances of losing more weight while you spend your time snoozing, there are certain factors that you can look into to help you efficiently lose all those calories.

  • Your metabolism is not slowed by eating late
  • Daily physical activity that includes strength training aids in more calorie loss
  • Weight loss might be helpful
  • No caffeine or alcohol three hours before bed
  • Use caution when taking supplements
  • Some medical problems may cause a slowdown in metabolism
  • Sleep in colder environments
  • Avoid being sleep deprived

Your metabolism is not slowed by eating late

Your metabolism may temporarily accelerate if you eat before night due to a process known as thermogenesis. Do not worry about eating beyond 8 o’clock, either. After this point, eating doesn’t automatically cause you to gain weight; instead, mindless snacking does. However, consuming a substantial meal before bedtime could make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Daily physical activity that includes strength training aids in more calorie loss

It generally helps you burn more calories and have higher muscle mass, even while you sleep. Don’t forget to strength train and get some exercise every day. Attempt exercising a few hours prior to going to bed if you have problems falling asleep at night.

Weight loss might be helpful

Your metabolism may be boosted as a result of weight loss. When at rest, fat burns fewer calories than muscle. If you’re overweight, think about scheduling a consultation with your doctor or nutritionist to discuss a healthy goal and a strategy for achieving it.

No caffeine or alcohol three hours before bed

While alcohol and caffeine may temporarily increase your metabolism, they can also interfere with your sleep cycle. You can’t enter a deep slumber if you drink alcohol; as was already mentioned, during REM sleep, glucose metabolism increases.

Use caution when taking supplements

Supplements claiming to increase metabolism should be taken with caution or avoided entirely. Some may include potentially hazardous components. Worse, they might not work at all. Always discuss with your doctor before starting any supplements.

Some medical problems may cause a slowdown in metabolism.

Your metabolism may slow down if you have certain medical diseases like Cushing syndrome or hypothyroidism. This implies that you’ll burn fewer calories throughout the day and might even put on weight. Simple tests, such as blood tests, might be run by your doctor to rule out particular illnesses. After that, you and they can collaborate to manage your condition and weight.

Sleep in colder environments

The temperature where you sleep can affect how many calories you burn each night. Your body has to work harder to reach 98.6°F, which is generally considered the normal body temperature when you sleep in a cooler room. Your body’s BMR may increase, as a result, increasing your calorie expenditure. Additionally, due to this mechanism, less white fat (commonly referred to as body fat) is present in the body since brown fat cells ask for white fat reserves for energy.

Avoid being sleep-deprived

Lack of sleep increases the stress hormone cortisol production, which leads to gluconeogenesis (a process that takes non-carbohydrate sources and turns them into glucose). This has an adverse effect on your body’s capacity to control blood sugar.

Lack of sleep has also been linked to higher levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and lower levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin, which can result in higher food intake and other health problems, including diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

How do different sleep stages impact calories?

Calorie burn varies depending on the state of sleep. The body’s energy needs fluctuate throughout the night, yet essential processes like breathing and circulation continue.

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the most energy-demanding sleep. Our heart rates rise during REM sleep, and our brain activity patterns resemble those of the daytime—a greater metabolism results from the increased brain activity’s need for more glucose.

Heart rate, breathing, core body temperature, and brain activity all decrease to almost nothing in stage three, “deep” sleep. The growth hormone is released at this time, and stage three sleep is regarded to be crucial for the immune system. However, during stage three sleep, metabolism is typically at its lowest because the brain uses less glucose.

Tips for quality sleep when attempting to lose weight

There are several strategies for enhancing sleep. Here are a few evidence-based suggestions for getting a better night’s sleep while dieting to help you lose those calories in a more efficient manner and walk you towards your weight goals in a swift manner.

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Sudden changes in your sleep pattern or attempting to catch up on sleep after a week of late nights might alter your metabolism and impair your ability to use insulin effectively, which makes it easier for your blood sugar to rise.
  • Sleep in a dimly lit space. An increased risk of weight gain and obesity has been linked to exposure to artificial light when sleeping, such as that from a TV or bedside lamp.
  • Avoid eating just before bed. Late-night eating may hinder your efforts to lose weight.
  • Reduce Stress. Eating to deal with negative emotions is one way that chronic stress can result in poor sleep and weight gain.
  • Be an Early Bird. People who stay up later tend to eat more calories and are more likely to gain weight. Early risers may have a higher chance of maintaining weight loss than night owls.

Keeping a positive relationship with your body

It is best to decide whether you should try to change your body weight under the direction of your doctor. Don’t believe everything you read online about weight loss and wellness. Not everyone should lose weight; losing weight does not always equate to improved health.

Keep in mind that maintaining good health requires a lifetime commitment that encompasses healthy behaviors and a positive body image. Attempting to lose weight healthily, like keeping your sleep and diet in check and adopting a positive attitude, might be of more help.


Even while you’re asleep, your body is constantly burning calories in the background, especially during REM sleep when your metabolism is heightened. Your BMR, which you may determine using the Harris-Benedict equation, determines how many calories you burn when you sleep. Having appropriate sleep hygiene habits will enable you to get the quality sleep you require for your general health. Keep in mind that sleep affects your health in ways that go far beyond burning calories.