Why Is Self Care Important? What Are The Best Ways Of Practicing Self Care?

Self care is one of the ways through which you can take a little time out for yourself while balancing your work and personal life. It also keeps your mental health in good shape. Follow this article to know about why self care is important and what are the best ways of practicing self care.   

We live in a fast paced world, where it can be hard for us to take time out for ourselves. We are afraid to take breaks in between our work because we think we will miss something or we will not be able to finish our tasks on time. Amidst the chaos, prioritizing self care may appear counterintuitive, yet it is crucial for sustaining our physical and mental well being.

Self care is a way for us to make sure that  our physical, emotional, and mental health is in good condition. Ignoring it can make our lives strenuous and this will have a direct impact on your physical and mental well being. It is best for you to take some time out for yourself, whether it is a few minutes or hours, you need to have them just for yourself. This will refresh your mind and you will be able to gain your lost energy back.

Follow this article to gain more insight about why self care is important and what are the best ways of practicing self care.

Why is self care important?

We all understand that practicing self care is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional health. But we never deeply think about why self care is important. Following are some reasons why a person must practice self care.

  • It helps you perform well
  • It enhances your overall well being
  • It elevates your self confidence
  • You are aware of your personal needs
  • You feel energized
  • It does not take a ton of time

It helps you perform well:

It is essential for us to take good care of ourselves if we want to continue our performance. Working without any break can make you feel exhausted and this will directly affect your performance. To avoid this, it is important for you to take some time out for yourself and indulge in things that will relax your mind and comfort you.

It enhances your overall well being:

When you prioritize self care, you will observe a noticeable mood and overall well being improvements. As your mental and physical health improve, you will gain better emotional control and experience personal growth.

It elevates your self confidence:

When you are taking care of your physical and mental health then, it is natural for you to feel comfortable under your skin. Indulging in self care will boost your self esteem and you will be able to do things with confidence. Every task that you perform, you will excel in that. This will happen only when you start believing in yourself and taking care of yourself.

You are aware of your personal needs:

One of the many signs that you need to practice self care is confusion. Depression can contribute to feelings of confusion and uncertainty. You know you want something but you cannot pinpoint what you want. When you start paying attention to yourself and start to take care of yourself then, you become self aware. Your doubt and your confusion starts to fade away and you figure out what you want in your life. It is important for you to love yourself first.

You feel energized:

When you lose interest in activities that once brought you joy, it indicates mental and physical exhaustion, recognizing this warning sign is crucial, and prioritizing self care is essential before it becomes overwhelming. Once you start paying attention to yourself, you will feel visible changes in your mood and in your body. You will be more energized and calm.

It does not take a ton of time:

If you think that you are busy and you do not get enough time for practicing self care then, you should know that it does not take all of your day. You just have to give yourself a few minutes where you do not worry about your work or your personal life. You just focus on the good things in life and try to channel that positivity in your lifestyle as well.

What are the indications that you need to practice self care?

When you are working nonstop and you do not take time out for yourself then, after some time, your mental and physical health will start to deteriorate. Following are some of the indications that you need to practice self care.

  • Change in your sleeping pattern
  • Changes in your appetite
  • No control over your emotions
  • Losing interest in everything
  • Confusion
  • Self doubt
  • Physical health is deteriorating
  • You have isolated yourself

Change in your sleeping pattern:

You have forgotten the concept of getting a good night’s sleep.  You are working continuously and you are so focused on completing the task that you are losing your mental and physical health for that. You are barely sleeping and this has started affecting your efficiency.

Changes in your appetite:

Another sign for you to start practicing self care is changes in your appetite. You are not eating a balanced and healthy diet. You are rather focused on eating greasy and junk food. This can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of at least thirteen types of cancers. To avoid that, you must start taking care of yourself and change your diet to make it a healthy one.

No control over your emotions:

The mental exhaustion will take a toll on you, sooner or later. This will make your emotions unstable and that will lead to emotional outbursts. These outbursts will take place when your mind is no longer fit to take any more load. You are mentally exhausted to a point when you have no control on your emotions any more.

Losing interest in everything:

You are no longer interested in things that once used to excite you. You are losing interest in your favorite activities. This is because of the mental and physical exhaustion that is taking a toll on you. You are taking more load than you can bear. This lack of interest is a clear sign that you need to change your lifestyle and practice more self care.


You are confused about your wants and needs. This will happen because of emotional instability. You would want to do one thing but your mind will tell you to do something entirely different. This will eventually lead to emotional outbursts. To avoid that, you must start practicing  self care and you must start taking care of yourself. This will clear all the confusion from your mind and make you take charge of your emotions and thoughts.

Self doubt:

Self doubt will stem from confusion and emotional instability. You will start doubting your abilities to perform a task. Even after completing the task, you will have doubts about your work and you will start thinking about the worst outcomes. Practicing self care will boost your confidence and it will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Physical health is deteriorating:

When you are not taking care of yourself properly then, it is natural for your physical health to go down. You will not be having a balanced and healthy diet and this will directly affect your physical health. When your health is on the line then, you must consider making serious changes in your routine to improve your health.

You have isolated yourself:

Your lack of interest and self doubt is making you isolate yourself. You are no longer interested in hanging out with your friends, you would rather stay alone. This isolation will stem from self doubt and low confidence level. This is a major sign that you need to change your ways and start taking care of yourself.

What are the best ways of practicing self care?

We all understand that practicing self care is essential for all of us and for every age group. Whether you are a teenager or you are an elderly, self care is supreme for all of us. Following are some of the best ways of practicing self care.

  • Make sure you get quality sleep
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Remember to take breaks
  • Do not feel guilty about not being productive
  • Indulge in physical exercise
  • Go outside
  • Find inspiration
  • Stay connected with your friends and family
  • Set your goals
  • Relax yourself after a long day
  • Say no when necessary
  • Become more organized

Make sure you get quality sleep:

The foremost priority in self care is to ensure that your body and mind receive the necessary rest. It is important for us to get quality sleep if we want to focus on our work the next day and be more productive. Getting quality sleep will make sure that your brain is not exhausted and it will keep your mental health in check.

Have a balanced diet:

It is important for a person to have a balanced diet with all the nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and water. All of these elements would aid you by boosting your gut health and immune system. We all understand that we are what we eat, if we are eating a stable and healthy diet then, it will have a positive effect on our physical and mental health as well.

Remember to take breaks:

It is essential for you to take breaks between your tasks. When you are working constantly, there comes a point when your brain will no longer be productive and it will make you feel frustrated. This will happen because of exhaustion, to avoid that, you must take small breaks in between so you can rest your mind and your body for a little bit. This way when you go back to work, you will feel fresh and be more productive.

Do not feel guilty about not being productive:

Never feel guilty about not being productive and resting for some time. You have been working hard and you deserve this break. On your day off, if you do not wish to do anything and just relax yourself then, it is fine. There is no need to feel guilty about it.

Indulge in physical exercise:

We all understand the importance of being healthy both physically and mentally. It is always a good idea to start your day with some light physical exercise. This will take away all the tiredness from your body and it will help you in waking up your mind and your body.

Go outside:

Whenever you feel the need to stay alone and not talk to anyone, fight that urge and go outside. If you do not wish to go with someone then, it is fine. Go alone for a walk outside, this will help your mind feel fresh. Being cooped up in the same place can also increase self doubt and you will start to lose interest in everything. Take some time off from your work and go outside for at least twenty minutes. This will make your mind feel fresh.

Find inspiration:

Another benefit of going out is that you see different things and there is a chance you would find something that will become the inspiration behind your work. Isolating yourself and doubting yourself will never work in your favor. It is essential for you to be connected with the world, only then you will be able to find something that will inspire you to move forward.

Stay connected with your friends and family:

Your friends and family are people who would love and support you no matter what. They are a positive force in your life and when you are practicing self care, you need that positivity in your life. Talking with them will put a smile on your face and you will feel fresh and new. They are the biggest source of inspiration in your life.

Set your goals:

If you are concerned about achieving multiple tasks or meeting deadlines, it is crucial to set goals and prioritize them. After making goals, prioritize them and then, you would have no difficulty in fulfilling your tasks. Ikt is paramount for you to set some goals for yourself for the day as well, this will help you be more organized.

Relax yourself after a long day:

You will be mentally and physically exhausted after a day of work and tasks. You might not have the energy to do anything. After going through a tiring day, make sure you feel relaxed and cozy. A bubble bath will help release tension from your muscles, eating warm food filled with nutrients will make you feel energized, and getting a quality sleep will take away all the tiredness and fatigue from your mind and help you relax.

Say no when necessary:

You do not have to feel obliged to do everything the other person says. If you are not comfortable doing something then or if you have enough workload then, you can say no. If you are tired and just want to go home and relax then, you can say no without feeling guilty. You have to understand that only you are responsible for your mental and physical health and if you are feeling overwhelmed then, it is fine to say no.

Become more organized:

Make a list of all the things you have to do in your day and assign time to them, this will help you in becoming more organized. You will be able to work more efficiently this way. But do not forget to take breaks in between so you do not feel exhausted.


In today’s fast growing world, everyone is trying their best to achieve great heights, which is a great thing, but in the middle of this mayhem, we forget to take some time out for ourselves. We often forget that if we are not fit then, we will not be able to be productive and efficient. The most important thing for you to do is to take some time out for yourself and not think about anything that can trigger stress.

Go for a walk, talk to your friends or family, relax yourself, indulge in light physical exercise, or do anything that makes you happy. This will take your mind off from your work and other stressful things. Consistently working without taking breaks leads to exhaustion of both the mind and body, ultimately hindering your ability to perform effectively.