Personal struggles happen to everyone, even I have hard times and when I do, I spend countless hours scouring the web for some self help. To this end, this time LoneMind decided to spend countless hours weeding through the best-of-the-best sources for motivation and becoming a better you–and narrowed it down to the top 25 websites and blogs that not only inspire but provide valuable insight into life and the situations we find ourselves in. (Bonus–check out our free ebook below which has inspired many of the amazing tips that you will be learning in this post).
We found these sites to be quite entertaining yet informative and helpful, giving tons of valuable knowledge that can only be passed on by experience. The list covers a variety of personal topics, and we also added links to communities and a few awesome articles on these sites to get started with. We won’t pretend that there is any one “best” site so we didn’t sort in any particular order and will let you be the judge. Let’s meet awesomeness:
Bobbi’s site is very genuine and she shows her understanding of life and how to manage the ups and downs, from all sorts of different struggles.
Bounce is about developing the ability to say yes to whatever happens in life – good, bad, or indifferent. It’s about being fully present, bringing the best of who we are to every situation. And it’s about being able to accept ourselves completely, warts and all.
Articles we liked:
Bobbi Emel
Bobbi Emel
Jennifer Gresham
Reinvent Your Career. Dare to Shine. This sums up Jen’s site very well where she gives amazing advice on going beyond who you think you are and using that power to basically create the job of your dreams.
Articles we liked:
Stories from how to reinvent yourself to living with monks in a rainforest–Paige Burks shares a wealth of experience and very practical hard-earned advice. Check out her video.
Articles we liked:
Paige Burks
Jo Casey
Jo focuses primarily on teaching how to be a coach and finding the right clients–but her writing is simply amazing. And oh yeah–she has a series of podcasts too.
Articles We Liked:
Sensophy is upbeat and Jacob is quite an energic character (and he has this uncanny ability to share that good energy with everyone that he meets), at face it looks very sophisticated but down to earth at the same time a very welcoming place. That’s just the start the tons of information covering overcoming anxiety to stupid questions that we waste time pondering, come here to self improve.
Article we liked:
- Overcoming What Will They Think Of Me?
- How to Thrive in a Crazy World: An Interview with Arianna Huffington
Jacob Sokol
Marc Howard
Shortly after landing in the emergency room, this guy quits his high-paying consulting job, hitch-hikes for 300 miles across the US meeting 14 different strangers, then moves to the other side of the world. Next he decided to reinvent himself and then totally changes his career by finding his passion through a series of “side-gigs”and now teaches others how to bust out of their comfort zone and start a side-business that pays the bills. Check out his video.
Articles we liked:
- Screw 2015 Goals Give Me An Accountability Friend
- 25 Reasons To Tell When Its Time to Quit Your Job
A self-proclamined “jack-of-all-trades” (and for good reason!), Corbett’s blog really shows how to push your boundaries. Right away he starts with two awesome facts:
- For most people, success and happiness doesn’t require becoming theworld’s greatest expert. It’s more effective to become just expert enough to accomplish your goals.
- It requires surprisingly little effort in most fields to gain more expertise than 95% of people.
Articles we liked:
Corbett BarrHenrik Edberg
Each week since 2006 Henrik has been writing about simplifying life, reducing stress, social skills, self-esteem and improving your happiness and awesomeness.
Articles we liked:
Life Optimizer is about maximizing your personal effectiveness. Donald believes that most people live below their maximum potential. He goes on to explain that while they do achieve things in life, there are still many more that they can achieve. The problem is that they don’t optimize their lives. There are aspects of their lives that can be made better and more effective than they are now.
Articles we liked:
Donald Latumahina
Yaro Starak
Yaro caoches and shows aspiring and current entrepreneurs how to “live the laptop lifestyle” and how to leverage your talents to not only grow a following online to also get paid for doing what you are passionate about.
Articles we liked:
- Kat’s Story: Going From an Underpaid Personal Trainer to Making $80,000 A Month Online
- How To Instantly Turn What You Love Into An Income
New and interesting ways add efficiency to your life, and manage parts of the brain you can control.
Articles we liked:
Luciano Passuello
Steve Mueller
Steve is just an average guy who wants to make the best out of life and help you along the way.
Articles we liked:
Steven has many topics on motivation and personal development and focuses on changing your thoughts to change your life.
Articles we liked:
- 7 Things You Must STOP Doing to Live Your Best Life Ever
- Remove This One Word From Your Vocabulary and It Will Change Your Life
Steven Aitchison
Jay White
Positive website with tons of smart posts that remind you the little things that happy people don’t do.
Articles we liked:
A self-proclaimed nerd who is on a mission to rid the world of injustices like the Italian mafia–this is one cool Italian. Marco offers info on a variety of topics from self improvement to relationships.
Articles we liked:
Marco Adragna
Remez Sasson
Sasson specializes in “mental tools for a good life” and the power of creative visualization. Everything he writes comes from his own experience, experiments, and the result of many years of meditation, training, and of practicing various inner development methods. Definitely add to your bookmarks.
Articles we liked:
- Where Will You Be 10 Years From Now
- From Imagination to Reality – Attracting Success with Mind Power
Practical self-development advice and things that you can take action on to kickstart momentum in changing your life.
Articles we liked:
Ludvig Sunström
Jonathan Mead
Paid to Exist is about eliminating the separation between what you get paid to do and what you love so that you can contribute to your world and live a life of freedom. A perfect combination of finding your passion and living on your own terms.
Articles we liked:
Barrie spent over 20 years as a public relations executive in Atlanta and New York, helping her clients achieve their own passions by promoting their success. At midlife, she knew she needed a change and took a leap of faith, leaving her successful public relations career to find her true passion. With quite a large community Barrie is truly crushing it.
Articles we liked:
- Overcoming Self-Doubt: How to Believe in Yourself to Accomplish More
- 9 Reasons a Positive Attitude Can Keep You Alive
Barrie Davenport
Dan Cassidy
Dan’s site is divided by the following categories: “Get Healthy”, “Get Happy” and “Get Success”. Collectively and with his team of experts you are taken on a journey of self-transformation.
Articles we liked:
This website has a very interesting approach and it rocks, you will love the way Mr. Self Development writes and ties so many different ideas together especially practical and motivational tips.
Articles we liked:
Mr. Self Development
Courtney Carver
Great read with topics about putting yourself first and finding simplicity. Courtney is the life decluttering expert!
Articles we liked:
Tina says her vision was to “never work again”, by living a life following one’s inner calling, exploring one’s potential, generating massive value, and living fully in every moment. She is currently living her dream.
Articles we liked:
Tina SuSimona Rich
Simona’s blog aims to inspire, inform and empower people to improve themselves and consequently their whole lives. Check it out and learn about her own personal transformation from a call-center agent to living an inspired life in India–and how you can turn your life around too.
Articles we liked:
- 3 Rules to Grow Happy and Gain Energy Through Work
- Universal Love or Human Love – You Can Only Have One
With the simple tagline “getting better at being human” this openly describes the kind of empathy and knowledge held.
Articles we liked:
David Cain