Concussion is basically a type of head injury that takes place when a person’s head is struck or receives a blow from an accident. Follow this article to know more about the signs of concussion in a toddler and the stages of concussion recovery in toddlers.
A concussion takes place when a person hits their head hard. It is a traumatic brain injury that can disrupt the functioning of your brain for some time. You will feel dizzy, nauseous, and weak. A concussion can take place directly, when you fell down during a game or hit your head somewhere, and concussion can also take place indirectly, like when you are in a blast, your brain will receive a traumatic injury because of the impact, this will cause concussion.
There are many cases in which a person starts to lose their consciousness after concussion, but that does not happen every time. People start getting weak and dizzy after concussion but there is a probability, they will not lose their any case, seeking medical assistance is essential when experiencing a head injury. Especially if you see a toddler hitting their head, the paramount thing for you to do is to take them to the emergency room to get medical treatment.
Follow this article to learn more about the signs of concussion in a toddler and the stages of concussion recovery in toddlers.
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What are the signs of concussion in a toddler?
Concussions in toddlers are common as they play recklessly and in between their excitement, it is usual for them to hit their head or fall down from the sofa or bed, this can cause concussion in toddlers. When you see them hurt while playing, you must always look for the signs of concussion so you can get them help. Following are some of the signs of concussion in a toddler.
- Headache
- Ringing in ears
- Nausea
- Blurry vision
- Confusion
- Amnesia
- Irritability
- Sensitive to lights and noise
- Excessive crying
- No interest in favorite toys
- Unsteady walking
- Getting tired easily
The most usual sign of concussion is headache in the forehead and temple. This will take place when your toddler suffers a blow or hits their head, the front part of their brain will start paining exactly like a migraine. They will experience throbbing in their head, leading to nausea and increased sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises.
Ringing in ears:
If your toddler experiences a concussion, they may also suffer from tinnitus, a ringing sensation in the ears which causes headache. This will take place because of the nerve damage that controls the hearing process. When your child hits their head hard or suffers a blow to their head, there is a probability their nerves will be suppressed or damaged because of the blow. As a result, they will suffer from ringing in their ears.
Nausea is another common sign of concussion. A person will be nauseated because of the weakness and fatigue after the concussion. Although nausea mostly takes place right after the concussion, in some cases, people have reported to feel nauseated even after one week of suffering from concussion. There is a probability that they feel nauseated because of the medication they are receiving as a treatment.
Blurry vision:
A person will suffer from blurred vision after getting a concussion because when they suffer a blow to their head or when they hit their head hard on a surface, one or both eyes move outward and not inward. This will result in blurred vision or having double visions. It is a common sign of concussion. When the vision gets blurry, a person will not be fit to support themselves and move on their own.
Another sign that your child is suffering from concussion is their confused and unaware state. They will not not be fit to answer any of your questions and for a time being, they will be blank. They will be confused and they will not be fit to tell you what exactly happened that caused concussion. This confusion takes place when the front part of your brain is damaged because of the hit.
Amnesia takes place at the early stage of concussion. Immediately after suffering a blow on the head or hitting their head on a hard surface, your child will suffer from mild amnesia. This is a sign that your child is suffering from concussion. Although your child will only suffer from mild amnesia in the start but this can also lead to long term amnesia, it depends on the intensity of injury.
Dealing with concussion can be strenuous for anyone, especially for children. Concussion can make a person moody and fatigued because of the pain and trauma from the injury. Especially when it comes to children, irritation can lead to changes in appetite and sleeping patterns. They will not be fit to do anything and they will show no interest in their favorite activities.
Sensitive to light and noises:
When a child is suffering from concussion, they will immediately become sensitive towards bright lights and loud noises. It will take place because of the head injury and it might stay with your child for a few days. Your child will not be fit to go outside in the sun and play, he/she will not be fit to hear loud noises as it will increase their headache.
Excessive crying:
Your child will start to cry excessively after concussion because of the pain. Their emotions will be all over the place and they will become moody. Nothing will interest them and these mood swings will cause them to cry at different moments. This is an emotional outburst and at this time, a child will only need his/her mother or father near them.
No interest in favorite toys:
When your child is crying excessively because of the pain in their head then, it is natural for you to distract your child by showing them their favorite toys or by playing their favorite videos. But your child will have no interest in these things whatsoever. They will disregard everything because of the pain and emotional instability.
Unsteady walking:
The most prominent sign of having a concussion is unsteady walking. The nausea and dizziness will not let your child walk properly and their vision will be blurred or doubled. Whenever they try to walk, they will feel dizzy and they will not be fit to do so without someone else’s support.
Getting tired easily:
This will take place because of the injury to your brain. Your brain will not be fit to process things as efficiently as it used to do, your emotions will be all over the place, and you will feel weak and nauseated. All of this will make your child get tired easily. Your brain will get tired easily and it will not be fit to handle everything like before for some time.
What are the stages of concussion recovery in toddlers?
We all understand that no child will be perfectly fine in just one day after suffering a concussion. The recovery process will take time, it also depends on the intensity of injury on how the child is progressing in their treatment. Following are the three different stages of concussion that predict the recovery in toddlers.
- Stage one of recovery
- Rest
- Medication
- Staying at home
- Stage two of recovery
- Less medication
- Resuming school
- Light physical activity
- Stage three of recovery
- No medications
- Participating in sports
- Resuming your daily routine
Stage one of recovery:
The stage one of recovery from concussion is excessively paramount. The wound is still fresh and it is supreme for the patient to rest as much as they can. Following are the steps of stage one.
- Rest
- Medication
- Staying at home
The most paramount thing for you to do as a parent is to make your child rest as much as they can. Their brain is a little fuzzy after the concussion and it is not fit to work as efficiently as it used to. This will make them weak and dizzy. Your child will be able to heal more quickly if he/she gets a proper rest.
The dose of medication is usually high in the first stage of recovery from concussion. As the brain injury is still fresh, it means that pain is also fresh. To numb the pain, the doctors might give high dosage of medications in the first stage.
Staying at home:
It is supreme for your child to stay at home and they do not involve themselves in any kind of physical activity. Their brain is still healing and it can be sensitive towards light and loud noises. When exposed to either one of them, it might make the patient dizzy and nauseous. To avoid that, your child must be on bed rest.
Stage two of recovery:
The stage two of recovery starts after the patient becomes normal towards light and loud noises. When their brain slowly starts to work like it used to and there is no amnesia. Following are the steps of stage two.
- Less medication
- Resuming school
- Light physical activity
Less medication:
The dose of medication will be slightly less than it was in the beginning of the treatment. The pain will be there but it will not be as unbearable as it was in the start. After a thorough checkup, your doctor might drop some of the medications after seeing your progress.
Resuming school:
At this stage your child will be fit to resume his/her school. Their brain injury will start to heal and their brain will start to function like it used to. They will be fit to continue their studies and explore new things.
Light physical activity:
It is not a clever idea to indulge in extreme physical activities like running or swimming but you can make your child indulge in light physical activities, like walking in the park or playing throw ball with him/her. Make sure that all the activities are light and only for some time. Putting too much pressure can make them feel dizzy and nauseated.
Stage three of recovery:
At this stage, the child is completely healed and their brain will be fit to perform as efficiently as it used to do before the injury. Following are the steps of stage three.
- No medication
- Participating in sports
- Resuming your daily routine
No medication:
After a thorough examination, your doctor will cancel all the medications after seeing your progress in your treatment. This means that you do not have to consume any medication and you are completely fine now.
Participating in sports:
Your child will be fit to play their favorite sports and you will not have to worry about their dizziness and nausea. They will be perfectly fine and fit to participate in their favorite sports. All of their injuries will be healed and they will not feel throbbing pain in their head anymore.
Resuming your daily routine:
Your child will be fit to continue their daily routine like before without baby pain. There will be nothing holding them back and their brain will work efficiently and normally. This will mean that your child is no longer in pain and they can live their life without any difficulty.
Is there any natural treatment for concussion?
Just like every other problem, natural ingredients can also treat concussion in adults and in toddlers. Following are some natural treatment options for concussion.
- Fish oil
- Flavonoids
- Saffron
- Turmeric
- Essential oils
- Creatine
Fish oil:
We all understand that fish oil has omega – 3 and other healthy fats that can aid in the healing of the brain injury. Fish oil is a supplement that makes your blood thinner, you have to speak to your doctor first before you start consuming fish oil. They will advise you in a detailed manner and then, if they approve you can start consuming fish oil.
After your brain suffers an injury, it will suffer from excessive inflammation which might not be good for your health. Flavonoids are found in blueberries, cranberries, and strawberries. They will keep the inflammation in check as flavonoids are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants will aid you by reducing the inflammation in your brain.
When a person is suffering from excessive inflammation after the brain injury then, there is a probability their injury will start to swell. When something like this takes place then, saffron is the best treatment. Saffron will fight the swelling and it is also rich in flavonoids that will fight the inflammation in your brain.
Turmeric has both anti – inflammation and antioxidants in it. It will immediately control the swelling of your injury and reduce the inflammation. It is a regular spice that can be found in every home. You can mix it in warm milk to give to your children post concussion.
Essential oils:
It is excessively common for a person to suffer from migraines and headache after concussion. The throbbing pain will make things more strenuous for you. Essential oils can be helpful for you, it can reduce your headache and calm your nerves down with aromatherapy. Lavender essential oil is highly recommended for migraine treatments.
After the injury, the patient’s body will be at loss of energy because of pain and trauma. The lack of energy will make things more strenuous for you. Creatine will increase the energy levels in your body and provide you the much needed energy to fight through this pain. You can find creatine in the form of supplements, but do not consume it before discussing it with your doctor.
Coping with concussion can be challenging for anyone, particularly for toddlers. They do not have the pain endurance of an adult, this will cause them to become cranky and crying excessively. They will not show any interest in their favorite games or shows. The pain will make them emotional and it will be extremely challenging for them to deal with the throbbing sensation. They will not be fit to endure the bright light and loud noises.
Concussion can also make your child dizzy and nauseous. Their brain will not be fit to function like it used to and this will make your child weak and their vision will either be blurred or doubled. This will lead to unsteady walking and fatigue. Your toddler will be completely drained of energy. When you see these signs in your child after their injury then, you must get them medical attention before the pain gets worse.