Signs He Doesn’t Care About The Relationship

Relationships are meant to be a safe place where one can go and unload after a long and tiring day. This is one dynamic in which both the people are supposed to be each other’s rocks. They are supposed to help each other cope with the everyday hustle and bustles of life. Having a partner is like having a person to yourself whom you can trust to love and cherish you forever.

A lot of times though., these relationships can turn toxic and leave you with nothing. The horrible part is when any one of the two turns a blind eye to all the emotional abuse they are facing just because they love the other person. This is why it’s important to love yourself more and spot signs he doesn’t love you. This can stem from the time when he doesn’t care about your feelings and more.

Read on below to get a look at signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you.

Signs He Doesn’t Love You

1. Keeps You Hidden

This is a huge red flag and one should always keep their eyes open for this one. It is the one greatest sign he doesn’t love you enough. All such people in a relationship will spend time with you and might even show you affection but they will keep you hidden from the rest of the world. There will be no introductions to friends or family gatherings.

If you think he is keeping you away from the world or not accepting you are his girlfriend, then it might be time for you to move on.

2. Only Benefits

If the only reason he calls you up or wants to meet you is for sex, then take it as one of the signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you. This person has no interest in your, your personality, or who you are as an individual all they care about is the sex that they are getting from you.

Make sure that there is an intimate connection in the relationship beyond sex and lust.  It is completely okay if someone loves you and embraces your body but that shouldn’t be the only living element in the relationship.

3. No Efforts

We know relationships are a two-way street. This means both the pirates involved have to make an effort to keep the dynamic stability maintained. If you are the only one trying, putting efforts, and trying to make the relationship work then you might want to take a step back and evaluate your position.

This other person shouldn’t be a bystander in your relationship. He should be an active participant, one who wants to make things work and progress. If he doesn’t care about what might happen because of his actions then he simply doesn’t care about your feelings and is just with you because it might be convenient or fun for him.

4. Flirting With Other Women

When you are in love, you only have eyes for one person. You can be surrounded by the most beautiful, funny and charming people in the world but you will only love one person. If someone loves you they are supposed to have the same approach towards you.

Anyone going around flirting with other women and keeping you second-guessing things is not worth your time. Even while being with you in a committed relationship, if you catch him going aground hitting on other women then take it as one of the signs he doesn’t love you enough.

5. Not Interested In You

When you are in a relationship, you sign up to be there for all that is going on in the person’s life. Not because it is a mandatory or a duty that you have to fulfill but because it is something that you actually want to do. You want to be there every step of the way. In a relationship, you share all the details about your life with each other. You want to know how their day was and what made them happy/feel.

When he doesn’t care about your feelings he will not listen to anything you’re saying attentively and not be interested in anything that goes on in your life. If he doesn’t care about your day, stories about your friends/ family, or other details relating to you then you might want to chuck him away for he is really not interested in you.

6. Doesn’t Prioritize You

This can start from small things but is one of the biggest signs for a person who just doesn’t love you enough. You might want to keep an eye open beforehand for any such citations where you are not being prioritized. This doesn’t mean that you get mad at him for having a boys night, no. The idea behind this concept is that if he has a boy’ night then there should be a night dedicated entirely to you.

Anyone who is canceling plans on you, postponing dates for no reason, or is just ditching you to go out with people is definitely not the one. It is usually when he doesn’t care about your feelings. When a person can treat you like crap in the initial period then he surely is not someone you should give your heart out to.

7. You Are Always Initiating Conversations

This is an easy one. When you are the only one initiating conversations, making plans, and doing things then you’re definitely in for a disaster of a relationship. It is understandable if there are times when you have to call and check up on them but if you are always doing it then it’s not right.,

It is a clear indicator of him just not caring enough about the relationship. He is lacking the enthusiasm and interest that comes when you are talking to someone you love. If he can’t put in enough effort to call you first once in a blue moon then how do you know he can be trusted to care about the bigger things in your life? Cut the string and get rid of such a person who is expecting you to do it all while they sit back and enjoy.

8. No Future Talks

When looking out for signs he doesn’t love you enough, this should be number one on the list. Whenever two people love each other, they plan on being next to each other for the rest of their lives. You sign up to be that person for the rest of their life, every step of the way. This means you expect them to have a future with you.,

It is a huge red flag if your partner is ditching any conversations about the future. If during conversations he brings up a future that has no signs of you then you might want to start thinking as well. Look for these signs earlier on in the relationship so you don’t have to be shocked at the end when he springs it on you.

9. He’s Stingy With Bills

Relationships are supposed to be balanced. This is a topic that will vary from person to person. There should be no depending on one person to care for all the needs. If you are paying at one point then he should take care of the next. This ain’t something that you should keep tabs on but if he is completely ignoring the monetary deals and is not paying anywhere then maybe you should look out for signs he doesn’t love you enough.

When you love someone, you want to spend money on them and make them feel loved and pampered. If he is expecting you to take care of all the monetary work then maybe he might be using you. Get rid of him as you can do better than someone who just wants to keep you around to stretch you thin.

10. Emotional Burden

A relationship is supposed to be the place where you feel the happiest. This is one person who has your heart and soul and is the one source where you feel the most satisfied and content. A lot of times though, that is not the case.

You should take it as a warning sign when your relationship is leaving you emotionally drained. This can happen in a lot of ways., you might be getting gaslighted, manipulated, or simply just drained emotionally. If your partner is asking too much from you and is not ready to put in as much effort and love in the relationship then he is not the one for you.

On top of all the expectations and emotional baggage, this person might not even be ready to acknowledge all that you’ve been doing for the relationship. If they cannot appreciate you for all that you are doing and are simply taking it all for granted then you need to get out instantly. There is nothing you can further gain from the relationship other than additional stress.


Relationships are supposed to be fun, loving, and satisfying. If yours is draining you out then it might be the time to look for signs he doesn’t love you. Try to see if you are being taken for granted. If yes, then cut the strings and know that you dese\rve so much better than what you are currently getting.