Is BV A Sign Of Cheating? Or Is It A Sexually Transmitted Infection?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a common uncomfortable condition a female can experience anytime. Keep reading to know if BV is a sign of cheating.

BV is not a typical sexually transmitted infection (STI); several factors can lead to such a condition. This infection could be distressing as it comes with itching and burning along with inflammation of the vagina.

BV occurs due to an imbalance of the Bacteria in the vagina, possibly due to exposure to a new sexual partner or penetrative sex. Still, developing BV is no sign of being unfaithful or cheating as it is not sexually transmitted.

Typically, BV is a group of conditions that goes away without treatment; however, sometimes, you need to see the doctor for proper medication. In this article, we will determine whether BV and cheating are connected, various steps to prevent BV, and whether it is treatable.

What is Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)?

As depicted by its name, BV is a bacterial infection due to unusual vaginal discharge and a type of vaginitis (a vaginal infection). According to a survey, around 29.2 percent of people in the United States between the ages of 14 and 49 were affected by BV.

BV is usually the result of an overgrowth of natural bacteria in the vagina and decreased Lactobacilli bacteria. A pretty standard condition in women that affects the ecosystems in their crotch is the vaginal microbiome.

Human bodies contain bacteria as many human cells, whereas only vaginas contain up to 20 different Lactobacillus species, which are good ones. We call these bacteria good as they maintain the balance of the pH level of the vagina by keeping it between 3.5 to 4.5 and keeping the vagina acidic specifically.

Simultaneously, vaginas also contain a certain amount of harmful bacteria. As these harmful bacterias are anaerobic, they can not survive in acidic environments, making lactobacilli crucial components. Nevertheless, lactobacilli keep the vaginal microbiome in proportion to avoid any infection.

Internal and external endogenous factors, such as hormone fluctuations or semen entering the vagina, can raise the vaginal pH. Higher pH provides the best environment for harmful bacteria to flourish and expand happily.

Is BV an STI?

BV can not be an STI, as STI is an infection due to bacteria or other unnatural pathogens. As depicted by its name, STI is a sexually transmitted infection that never naturally occurs in the vagina.

Various common symptoms make people confuse BV with STI:

  • Vaginal pain, itching, and burning.
  • Itchy skin around the vagina or inflammation.
  • Thin white or grey vaginal discharge.
  • Powerful fishy odor.
  • Burning while peeing.
  • Vaginal soreness.

Many women do not experience any common symptoms with BV; instead, they may only notice the change in discharge or vaginal odor, and some may confuse the symptoms with a yeast infection or various STIs.

Bacterial vaginosis vs. yeast infection

An imbalance in vaginal pH can lead to any of the following things:

  • A vaginal yeast infection
  • Bacterial vaginosis

A vaginal yeast infection occurs due to the outgrowth of a naturally present candida albicans fungus. At the same time, bacterial vaginosis is all about anaerobic bacteria.

According to some high-profile research, the following species of bacteria and microorganisms insignificantly associate with bacterial vaginosis:

  • Gardnerella vaginalis
  • Peptostreptococcus
  • Mycoplasma hominins
  • Mobilucus
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum
  • Anaerobic prevotella, porphyry monas, and Bacteroides.

A collection of all the organisms mentioned above is responsible for the damage, while Gardnrella vaginalis are the most common indicator of BV. Additionally, we can explain precisely that individuals with bacterial vaginosis come with lower concentrations of Lactobacillus than regular vaginal examinations.

Is BV falls under types of vaginitis?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a type of vaginitis, a broad term that encompasses vaginal pain, irritation, and inflammation. Vaginitis includes a range of conditions with similar symptoms but different transmission methods.

BV and other forms of vaginitis, such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia, can be associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and are transmitted through sexual intercourse. However, vaginitis also includes non-STI conditions like yeast infections, which result from imbalanced vaginal bacteria and yeast overgrowth.

While vaginitis can include STIs, it is not exclusively an STI. There are various ways to contract vaginitis without sexual intercourse. Although BV can occur through sexual activity, it is not solely transmitted this way.

BV can overlap with other vaginal conditions

It is challenging to differentiate between various kinds of vaginitis as their symptoms can overlap. There are two kinds of vaginitis BV and yeast infection. However, some signs can make you understand vaginal conditions.

  • Discharge
  • Pain while urinating
  • Vaginal itching
  • Redness and bumps


The discharge with bacterial vaginosis is the primary symptom, as it comes with a fishy smell. It may appear thin yet milky, and some of the symptoms are here:

  • If the discharge falls under yeast infection, it would be thick and lumpy, like cottage cheese.
  • If the person goes through trichomoniasis, the release would be green or yellow with a foul smell.

Pain while urinating

Usually, pain and burning sensation during urination are due to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Nevertheless, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and trichomoniasis also come with pain when urinating. Remember that UTI is not part of any vaginitis conditions.

Vaginal itching

While suffering from bacterial vaginosis, your vagina may feel itchy. However, vaginal itching comes mostly with STIs and yeast infections. Apart from these infections, one can get vaginal itching from other irritants, including stress or scented products.

Redness or bumps

BV does not come with apparent changes like redness or bumps on the vagina. Usually, yeast infections cause redness of the vagina and blemishes, such as genital herpes, that could result from overgrown acne and hair.

Is BV popping up in a monogamous relationship?

There is less information than we need to know about showing up bacterial vaginosis out of nowhere. Although there are too many irritating and uncomfortable possibilities behind it but having sex with the same partner even can cause it, and we can relate it to recurrent BV infections, which keep coming back.

What is recurrent BV?

Suppose the BV keeps returning in three symptomatic episodes continuously in 12 months. In recurrent BV studies, we have noticed that 80 percent of people who have undergone BV treatment repeatedly have BV symptoms.

How to treat recurrent BV?

Among people who undergo BV treatment, 30 percent prematurely discontinue their treatment within a few days. We will suggest our prestigious females with BV symptoms consult the doctor as it is always a good idea to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment afterward.

Health should always be a top priority, and negligence towards BV infections can lead to pregnancy complications and increase the risk of getting STIs and some pelvic inflammatory diseases.

For the BV treatment, doctors can prescribe some antibiotics that one needs to apply to the vagina directly, or it may be some pills that you need to put inside the vagina. Metronidazole comes in a pill form, becoming extremely common and safe for pregnant women. The most common antibiotics for BV treatment may include:

  • Metronidazole (Already mentioned)
  • Tinidazole
  • Clindamycin

Treatment for BV is an individual approach, as the bacterial proportion varies from person to person. As the root cause differs widely, the treatment process is trial-and-error.

Sometimes one can get rid of BV symptoms within a few days or weeks, and for some people, the treatment process lingers on, depending on their immunity system. If you experience another episode of BV symptoms after treatment, the doctor may recommend another course of antibiotics. Recognizing the condition is essential, as a six-month treatment for BV is often necessary.

What remedies at home must one adopt to avoid BV symptoms?

It is pretty complicated that half of the women with bacterial vaginosis do not experience any symptoms. However, BV has an unpleasant solid odor, gray vaginal discharge, and irritation while peeing.

One can apply the following tips to ease the symptoms or even when one is recovering from the BV:

  • Take showers regularly instead of using baths.
  • Use warm water to wash your private parts.
  • Use gentle soaps; avoid fancy soaps and douching.
  • Use cotton undies or something made up of breathable and light fabric.
  • Wash your undies with mild detergents.
  • Remove undies while sleeping.
  • If you use any sex toys, clean them properly before using them.
  • Take a break from sexual activity unless you are experiencing symptoms-free.
  • Switch up your period products, such as any absorbent cotton or tampons that may encourage bacteria outgrowths.

BV and cheating

People usually ask questions like my girlfriend has BV; is she cheating? Remember that bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Additionally, sexual intercourse does not bring the disease but can increase the chances of contracting it.

This statement about BV could be conflicting as STI is an infection transmitted during sex, and BV can also pass through sex. It is also clear that partners with vaginas can spread BV, and even the penis interacting with this vagina can pass BV. One should not assume that if their partner got an infection from someone else, be clear, it is not STI. Remember, this infection does not transmit from person to person.

The vagina is a sensitive human body with a delicate bacterial balance. Even a slighter shift in the bacterial balance can lead to BV, and we can not deny that a new sexual partner can disturb that balance.

Engaging in any form of penetrative sex can disrupt the vaginal balance, and it’s worth nothing that BV can be acquired from a long-term partner and a new one. Apart from penetrative sex, various other factors can potentially lead to BV:

  • Smoking
  • Douching
  • Even ethnicity
  • Even ethnicity.
  • Fitting an IUD (Intrauterine devices).
  • Washing with harsh soaps.

One can not doubt their partner cheating due to BV; instead, their partners might need to change the old or tight underwear or remove any irritating soap. It may also be a sign for you to use condoms to reduce the risk of BV.

Bacterial Vaginosis comes with the risk of contracting any sexually transmitted disease because the vagina is already vulnerable due to disturbance in the natural defense system. BV makes someone more receptive to contracting any infection through sexual activity.

What can cause BV?

BV results from a microbial imbalance in the bacteria, naturally occurring in the vagina, with a significant decrease in Lactobacilli. Other factors, too, can enhance the chances of developing BV. The following things may lead to BV:

  • Sexual activity
  • Intravaginal practices
  • Douches
  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Pregnancy
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  • Hormonal change

Sexual activity

Sexual activity can enhance the chances of developing Bacterial vaginosis, as penetrative sex can destroy your vagina’s natural order. People are more likely to develop BV when encountering a new sexual partner without preventive measures.

Engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse can introduce harmful bacteria into the vagina, increasing the likelihood of developing Bacterial Vaginosis.

Intravaginal practices

Excessive use of soaps, perfumes, or vaginal products can disturb the balance of natural bacteria in the vagina. All the natural bacteria in the vagina can prevent the BV condition from flourishing.


People who douch are at maximum risk of disruption in vaginal bacteria balance. Using vaginal soaps can disrupt the vaginal environment, interfere with natural bacteria, and create an environment conductive to the development of Bacterial Vaginosis.


According to a study, African American women are more likely to develop BV than females of European ancestry. This higher ratio, particularly among African American women, is due to their diverse microbial profile. In contrast, European women have a more vaginal microbiome containing more Lactobacilli to keep the bacterial balance at a particular place. Such genetical history may increase the chances of getting BV.


Diet can impact the chances of BV as women who intake high fats and low in folate, Vitamin E, and Calcium have more options to have BV. Women who love cookies and dough nevertheless have to rethink their diet intake. As diets enriched with sugar and fats while lacking certain nutrients can have negative consequences.


According to the American Pregnancy Association, around 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women undergo BV during their pregnancy. Whereas some studies found 50 percent of pregnant people will have BV during the pregnancy period due to hormonal fluctuation during this period.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Various studies have shown there is a relationship between IUD use and the prevalence of BV. Usually, IUD wearers come with an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis. We can notice an increase of bacteria in the vagina due to an external string or foreign body in the vagina or uterus.

Hormonal changes

One more research delineates the imbalance of hormones, “especially estradiol (a form of estrogen) levels fluctuation,” can cause BV. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the estradiol level is usually at its lowest, resulting in the risk of getting a BV infection. Hence, the people seeking the answer if my girlfriend has BV, is she cheating? Here is a big “No” from our experts.

What could be signs of a cheating partner in a relationship?

Cheating can be traumatic and could be challenging enough to cope with the problems in any relationship. Most people are blindsided by their cheating partner. Still, some can easily detect the instincts kicking by seeing signs of a cheating wife, even though some undeniable physical symptoms exist.

No man wants to face this dilemma, which could be heartbreaking. Sometimes we can vividly see the emotional and physical signs of infidelity, and it is hard to confront the wives. Men and women have different ways of acting when cheating.

Cheating is a sign of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in a relationship or can be just a pattern or habitual. When it comes to women, we can guide you on why a wife may cheat:

  • Done with boring routine life and needs something exciting in life.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Midlife crises.
  • Emotional starvation.
  • Insecure attachment issues.
  • Anger issues.
  • Loneliness.

Signs of a cheating wife

There could be a range of possibilities we will guide you, which will help you to know even the physical signs that your wife is cheating. These signs may vary from person to person but still could be a backup for your unfortunate hunch.

  • Change in communication
  • Says no to intimacy and getting physical
  • Increased interest in their appearances
  • More time away from home
  • Change in attitude
  • Remains busy on the phone
  • Lying
  • Become more independent
  • Avoidance
  • Change in sex life

Change in communication

A communication breakdown is always a negative sign; one must not get your spouse to communicate with you. They usually stop saying loving words and stop sharing life routines with you. Moreover, they may ignore the following:

  • Ignores you when you are talking.
  • She remains angry and wants to avoid talking about the issue.
  • Changes the topic when they feel uncomfortable and guilty and try to put things under wraps.
  • Avoid talking and even have reasons to justify the behavior.
  • Refuse to answer questions.
  • Instead of sorting out the issue, they make accusations.
  • Dismissive body language.
  • Act in a passive-aggressive manner.

Says no to intimacy and getting physical

One of the vital physical signs your wife is cheating is that she will turn down any attempt for intimacy or sex. Men, too, have the instincts to smell the things that are not affectionate and detect emotional sex in seconds.

Increased interest in their appearances

Although taking care of yourself could be positive, it should not come with suspicious behavior. If your spouse has significantly increased interest in their appearances, including

  • Wearing a different style of clothing than usual.
  • They have started dressing nicer.
  • Wear new clothes you never saw before.

More time away from home

People with an infidel nature would love to spend time away from home for long periods. They start making excuses for staying out of the house, whether due to work or some new hobby.

Change in attitude

If your spouse is facing problems in some other relationships, you will notice a change in their attitude with the following signs:

  • If your wife exhibits signs of low self-esteem.
  • You can catch a sense of confusion most of the time.
  • You even see more negativity than before.
  • All of a sudden, your partners become more adventurous and need danger.
  • They are picking fights over peace and negotiations.
  • Your spouse becomes very defensive when you talk about extramarital affairs.

Remains busy on the phone

One can notice that their partner mostly smiles on the phone instead of spending time with you. They usually talk to someone else on the phone and stay up late at night.


Lying is an enormous red flag in any relationship, depicting your wife as dishonest and cheating. You can notice that your partner is lying and trying to hide something. Your spouse starts behaving more secretively, and when you ask about something, they seem nervous.

Become more independent

When wives cheat on their husband, all of a sudden, they become more independent. They do not need you going anywhere or your assistance running errands. You will start feeling that they no more need you and can deal with their stuff sufficiently.


Suddenly, you feel your partner has started avoiding you, so they should not face any uncomfortable questions from your side. A cheating wife will begin avoiding you to overcome the guilt of leaving the relationship.

Change in sex life

One can notice a fluctuation in the frequency of sex than previously it was. The possible symptoms may show:

  • There would be considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationships.
  • Sex life is almost non-existent practically.
  • You can notice innovations during sex.
  • Or you can catch a sexually transmitted infection but remember it should not be BV.

Money issues

Mainly in this era of inflation, all marriages undergo financial stress. However, you both have to communicate about the money issues in their marriage. You can notice some credit card charges which made no sense, and by the time money became an issue between you two.


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is not an indication that your partner is cheating on you. BV results from an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina and can affect individuals who have never had sex. It’s not a sexually transmitted infection, so it shouldn’t be linked to infidelity.

When looking for signs of a cheating partner, there’s no foolproof method to detect them. While STIs can be a warning sign, it’s important not to confuse STIs with BV. Understanding the difference between BV and cheating is crucial.

BV is a vaginal infection caused by an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, which increases vaginal pH. Some symptoms of BV may resolve on their own, but persistent cases often require oral or vaginal antibiotics.

BV is often misunderstood and surrounded by myths. Although it is not a sexually transmitted infection, frequent sex can increase the likelihood of developing BV, especially without precautions. Therefore, BV should not be considered a sign of cheating.

Symptoms of BV can overlap with other vaginal conditions. If you experience discomfort or pain, it’s important to seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment, which can prevent potential long-term complications.