Worrying about your sex drive can affect your relationship with your mate. The particular characteristic of this issue is that the more you are anxious about this, the lesser your interest in sex may become. This is indeed something that you should seriously think about. The right attitude, of course, is no longer just to fret over the matter but to actually search for solutions.
Sex drive is definitely a psychological problem. It cannot be denied that the brain is the most potent sexual organ. It basically has control over your senses, including your sexual urges. This is the reason why you may have to find out first whether you are indeed mentally capable of getting interested in sex. However, it is also possible that even if you are mentally or psychologically healthy, you are still physically incapable. This means that you may lack the nutrients that are necessary to trigger the needed sexual drive. Therefore, it is important to look at your current intake of food and see what if any changes would improve your performance in the bedroom.
When it comes improving the sexual drive most people believe that it might be a lack of protein so they look immediately to meat. While there is some truth to this protein belief, it would be wrong to say that only meat-based foods are good for improving the body’s sex drive alone. The truth is that there are actually fruits and veggies that are necessary if you wish to have major jump in your sex drive. The following are the top 20 fruits and vegetables that will allow you to put a porn star to shame!
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20. Asparagus
Who would have thought that a veggie like asparagus could have any relationship with human sexuality? Of course, you would not mind having this on your dinner plate, especially if it is served as a side dish to a delicious steak. However, you would be surprised that this is not only a great side dish, but also a good provider of nutrients that are meant to balance the hormones. It is precisely because of this that you may have to consider this as part of your meal if you want to increase your sex drive.
19. Bananas
There is no doubt that among the fruits that you can find in the supermarket shelves, bananas are the most popular. Not only because there is an abundant supply of these fruits, but also because these contain very important minerals and vitamins. Bananas are rich with magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins, as well as bromeliad enzyme. What is interesting to note is that all these vitamins and minerals have the capability of increasing a male’s libido. This should be reason why you should include these in your shopping list.
18. Sweet Potatoes
Compared to French fries, which others may call as junk food, sweet potatoes are indeed much healthier. These are also tastier and do not need too many condiments to get more appreciation. Here is one other thing that you should blast you into the next level of libido. They are good at jumping up your sexual desire into the stratosphere. When eaten, the body derives vitamin A from the beta-carotene which sweet potatoes contain. Vitamin A is great for the fine tuning of the vagina and the uterus by triggering the production of sex hormones.
17. Pumpkin Seeds
One beneficial sex drive super power is pumpkin seeds. You possibly have eaten some of these while you were in the bar drinking a cold beer or possibly from a recent stop at a quickie mart. The truth is that it is very rich in zinc. Zinc has the capability of increasing the testosterone levels. With that, you could be sure that it makes wonders when it comes to sex.
16. Nutmeg
Most likely you have only a small amount and you may have considered it to be a mere exotic food that may or may not have any specific benefit to your body. However, if you have been to India, you would probably have heard stories about the benefits to one’s libido. Nutmeg can be identified as an aphrodisiac which could potentially increase ones sexual desire. In fact, there are indications that if you add some nutmeg to coffee, the effect could even double.
15. Sunflower Seeds
Above we discussed the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Sunflower seeds have the same type of effect on sexual drive as the pumpkin seeds. Additionally, like pumpkin seeds seen in many liquor establishments, these are also known as an aphrodisiac as well. Moreover, when eating sunflower seeds, studies have shown that hormone levels for sexual prowess will increase. The studies have suggested that the increase is due to the oils found in the sunflower seeds.
14. Peanuts
Another seed/nut that people look to for a boost in sex drive is the peanut. Peanuts contain substantial amounts of zinc. As pointed out earlier, zinc greatly increases sex drive like a tiger. Moreover, zinc triggers the production of more potent sperm through boosting sperm count as well as motility. It is when the supply of zinc found in the male human being’s body decreases that the semen volume becomes very low. This is why you should consider eating peanuts every now and then if you want to have more healthy sperm.
13. Edamame
Most people have no idea of what you are talking about if you say the word edamame. This is primarily because this is found in abundance in other countries such as Japan. However, if you learn that edamame has the capability of improving sex drive, you would surely be interested in eating it too. The truth is that it contains great amounts of phytoestrogens. This is primarily the reason why it is potential sex drive booster. No wonder why the Japanese love it.
12. Avocados
The mere shape of the avocado would already tell you that it is a sexy fruit. It basically resembles the female human anatomy. However, this is not really the reason why it is considered as a food that is good for the sex drive. It really boosts the sex drive from the nutrients found inside of it. Avocados are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. These are some of the potent nutrients that improve sex drive. It is no wonder that such fruit were forbidden by Spanish missionaries hundreds of years ago.
11. Watermelon
Watermelon is certainly not all water or juice. It contains certain nutrients that dilates the blood vessels and, just like Viagra, greatly boosts libido. The major contributor to this is citruline amino acid. Citruline is basically beneficial to the cardiovascular system. It also relaxes the blood vessels. The overall effect is a significant increase in the sex drive. Who would have thought that your sex drive could be increased by a bunch of pink water!
10. Celery
If you are vegetarian, it is very likely that you would include celery in your diet. This is primarily because this veggie is not only delicious but also very nutritious. However, you would even appreciate it even more the moment you know that it also induces libido increase. This veggie heightens the pheromone levels that are found in the male’s perspiration. This makes him more sexually attractive to women.
9. Chilies
When people think of chilies the first word that comes to mind is “hot” or “spicy”. However, it is not only hot in the literal sense. The truth is that it is hot also because it boosts the sex drive. The culprit is the capsaicin which chilies contain. When you intake capsaicin, your heart rate increases and this prompts the production of endorphins which consequently boosts the sex drive. Maybe this is why police like to have this in their arsenal.
8. Figs
How many times have your read about figs being eaten by kings during Biblical times? In fact, these also happen to be one of the favorites of Cleopatra. It is known to increase the sex drive and fertility. Of course, the shape of the fruit is a giveaway since it basically looks like the female sex organ. However, it is essentially in the nutrients found in figs that make it good for boosting libido.
7. Garlic
It is almost impossible to think that garlic is good for the sex drive when its smell could basically drive a partner away. In fact, if you have eaten this, you would be worried about how your breath would smell because it could be a huge turn-off. However, garlic has allicin. Allicin does tricks to the body and stimulates blood flow to improve the libido. This should be the reason why you need to eat garlic once in a while and your partner will surely forgive you, at least a little while.
6. Black Raspberries
The main reason why black raspberries are considered to be beneficial when it comes to increasing the sex drive is the fact that it contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are known for greatly improving libido. Of course, eating just one of these infrequently does not produce the desired wonders. For the best results, about ten berries should be eaten a few hours before one plans of having sex for the best results.
5. Almonds
There are already so many stories about what almonds do to women. It is said that the scene of almonds alone could drive a woman’s yearning for sex. There may not be truth in this but if you do eat almonds you get a healthy dose of zinc. There is no doubt that zinc does wonders to the body especially by increasing the sex drive. Hopefully, the stories are true and you will not even need to eat the almonds to drive her crazy.
4. Pine Nuts
Pine nuts contain very significant amounts of arginine. This element greatly increases blood flow because it dilates the blood vessels. It is a fact that blood flow is very important in boosting the sexual drive and increased time of sexual desire. Aside from this though, arginine is also transformed into nitric oxide when ingested. Nitric oxide is one of the key elements that Viagra contain. So you should consider adding pine nuts to your favorite salads.
3. Basil
It is impossible for you not to have eaten or seen basil. Basil is an herb that is added in so many delicious foods, from pasta to pizza. However, it is not just because of its tastiness that people love this herb. It also has some characteristics acting as an aphrodisiac. In fact, you do not have to eat it to feel the sexual urge increasing. Just the scent of basil could already boost the sexual desire, especially among men.
2. Cinnamon
Eating cinnamon could give you the sensation in the body that is quite peculiar. You would surely feel some heat. This alone should tell you that it is good for the sex drive too. Cinnamon encourages better circulation and blood flow. When that blood starts to flow we all know what happens to “come up” and also increase the sex drive too. If you add a little of cinnamon powder into your coffee, you would definitely have the effect that you wish for.
1. Mangosteen
Mangosteen has long been considered as one of the healthiest fruits around. In fact, it has been popularly known as an effective anti-cancer food. Aside from this, the fruit is also known a phenomenal tool to increase your sex drive. While most might not have heard of Mangosteen, the increase in sex drive is definitely a reason to get to know what it is and make it a part of your diet.