Is Something Holding You Back? Look In The Mirror To Find Out What It Is!

I do it all the time, and I’m sure you probably do as well.

After I’m done, I feel guilty as hell, but in the moment, I feel as though I’m fully justified in my feelings.

I am positive you feel the same way.

I tell myself it’s just human nature, but still, I can’t shake loose from the feeling that I’m all alone in this sometimes.

I’m talking about feeling sorry for myself.

It happens all the time, despite my best efforts to keep it at bay.

To be honest, I am one lucky person.

So most days, I have no right wallowing in self-pity.

And yet, it happens.

All too often.


I’m not sure, and believe me, I’ve studied it.

Recently I saw a video that has helped me a great deal, and I’d like to share with you.

Perhaps you’ve already seen this, and if that’s the case I urge you to bookmark it now so you can revisit it whenever you need to.

I re-watch this one all the time because it has the power to bring me out of any funk I’m in.

I believe you’ll feel the same way once you experience it.

So please invest 5 minutes of your time and watch it with me.

You’ll be glad you did, I promise.